Downright depressing

I can not see bow hunting in those temps. If you don’t make a quick recovery, the meat spoils.

For those of you with farm back grounds, think of how grandpa or great grandpa used to butcher hogs and cattle when they had no electricity.

They didn’t do it, just waited for cooler weather.

My two cents.

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Pulled the plug on another weekend at my place. Season has been in since first Saturday in September and i haven’t hunted my brand new farm yet. I can’t justify the drive to sit in 94 degree highs and a low of 70. This September has sucked.

I used to be young and over energetic ... would get over 80-100 hrs in the stand before Oct 15. Had warm days where mosquitoes & flies were biting through my face net & gloves ... but I was out there ... no more. Wondered why I was burnt out for stand sitting and was not seeing deer when the rut rolled around late Oct ... I had already bumped deer out of their pattern, does included, left scent, etc. When does change their pattern, so do the bucks.

If I had to trade 8 weeks of hunting Sept/Oct for the 8 days Halloween to Nov 7th ... easy decision ...
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