Downright depressing


5 year old buck +
Pulled the plug on another weekend at my place. Season has been in since first Saturday in September and i haven’t hunted my brand new farm yet. I can’t justify the drive to sit in 94 degree highs and a low of 70. This September has sucked.
Yeah I hear ya. Except I’m in Wisconsin. It’s finally going to get into the mid 50’s next week. Before that it’s been 70’s most of the month. I haven’t hunted yet either because of it. If I had to leave one lay overnight it would spoil. Hang in there. It’ll change.
BG weather said possible new record highs of the next 5-6 days.

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28/30 days of September in north Georgia will be over 90 degrees
But when the temperature drops the deer will go bananas. Right?
I was going to hunt tonight. Winds 30-35 with higher gusts dont make me want to sit in a tree. Nasty thunderstorms predicted about dusk. May go in the morning. Last sit I saw one deer.
I havent bought my bow license or taken my bow out of the case since the end of November. I'm planning on shooting every day for the next two-three weeks before I attempt to get out. By that time the volleyball season will be close to an end and I will have time to get out. (Wife coaches and two daughter play) I haven't had much time to run cameras either and dont have much of an idea of whats running around this year. I finally have a free Saturday from games and tournaments and will be putting out a bunch of cams to try to take inventory and see If I cant pin down a pattern on a shooter (If there are any on the place yet)

As a North Florida resident, Howboutthemdawgs, trust me when I say I FEEL YOUR PAIN!

Heck, not only have I not wanted to hunt during our bow season, I haven't even dared do any fall food plot work yet either.

In the past I've always completed planting by mid-October, but hot and dry as the forecast looks for the foreseeable future I'm wondering if I'm going to have to push planting into November. That, and we're bone dry here as well and sure could use a few inches of rain. Hope that last sentence doesn't curse me a few weeks from now with 20"+ of rain -- seems that's the way we tend to have it the past few years... either bone dry or stuck-in-mud wet.
Northern fellas on this board won't ever be able to truly appreciate just how hard it is to hunt in the 90s without sweating a river walking to your stand... sometimes a man just has to do what a man has to do to get his hunt on... :emoji_wink:

All I can say is DON'T FORCE IT. Going out in the heat and doing nothing more than stinking the place up does nothing more than educate the deer. It took me a while to learn this on my place. I used to hunt every day possible. I thought hunting MORE would lead to more success. It didn' fact it did the opposite. Hunt when the time and weather is right. I now kill more deer in less time in the woods than I did in years past. Sometimes LESS is MORE. I understand wanting to get out and enjoy your new property, but again....we have to be patient. You will get your opportunity....just make sure your prepared when that times comes.
All I can say is DON'T FORCE IT. Going out in the heat and doing nothing more than stinking the place up does nothing more than educate the deer. It took me a while to learn this on my place. I used to hunt every day possible. I thought hunting MORE would lead to more success. It didn' fact it did the opposite. Hunt when the time and weather is right. I now kill more deer in less time in the woods than I did in years past. Sometimes LESS is MORE. I understand wanting to get out and enjoy your new property, but again....we have to be patient. You will get your opportunity....just make sure your prepared when that times comes.
On a serious note, 100% agree J-Bird! First few years I owned my place I hunted it hard, and in short order camera hits showed nice bucks quickly went nocturnal. Past few years I've only sat when cold fronts have come through and winds are right for my stands. I've harvested bucks on my hit list with single digit sits out of a season that lasts months in FL.
And an added benefit to rare/light hunting is if bordering properties have more pressure your land can benefit by being perceived as safer daylight ground.
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On that note, in the northland this is what we have.
Frost covering the windows yesterday morning.

And the 10 day

It’s raining now, and I am pretty sure we have to be close to a record rainfall year.
I hope the moisture slows down before the temps drop below freezing, or we will have another year with huge amounts of snow.
^^^^^ send some of that rain this way!!!!
Well most of it we are, via the Mississippi.
Talking 3 to 5" the next couple days. Im so sick of rain this year.
Talking 3 to 5" the next couple days. Im so sick of rain this year.

I had some deer playing grabass on camera this am and the dust behind them made the food plot look like it was on fire.
Well most of it we are, via the Mississippi.
NO....I need it to come from the sky!!!

We are actually under a burn ban right now.... With harvest starting here....I bet we get a couple field/combine fires this year.
28/30 days of September in north Georgia will be over 90 degrees
We hit 93 in IL yesterday temp is out of control. The rye I planted Aug 30 still hasn't sprouted yet rough growing year.

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