I've been using a G5109 cell home and G5062 remote. I have two new LL-2A ready to go. They will be strung out in a general line (not straight due to topography) 1, 2, 3, 4 to maximise the distance between 1 and 4. 1 and 4 are the most interesting spots; the other 2 used as repeaters but I'll set them as "remote" cuz pics will still be interesting.
1) It would make sense to put the LL-2As at the ends (where I want the best pic quality and minimum camera checking). So can I put the remote at position 1, then walk the woods to find the maximum distance to put the cell home for position 2? Does the cell home have a signal strength indicator? Or do I need to put the cell home at #1, then walk the woods with the repeater to find the best spot, then trade the camera positions? Are these questions confusing without maps?
2) the LL-2A camera has a setting IMAGE EXPOSURE WIDE or CENTER. Can't find this mentioned anywheres in the manual. What's it mean?
3) pg 8 of the manual says "all cuddelink cameras can be configured as a home or remote". A few years back we discussed using the cheaper G5109 as a remote, and the answer was "nope". Does the recent firmware update make that possible now?
Doggone these things are fun! Being able to put friends and family on the email list is a nice touch.