H-T’s September trail camera contest.

^^^that dude has been in the mud up to his knees.
^^^that dude has been in the mud up to his knees.

And gives me an idea as to where he's been. First and only pic/vid of him since before the antlers fell, unless on one of those captured during their growing phase.
And the ear is broken??? Every pic it looks like that.
That's a barrel on 4 legs! Man that chest is all kinds of deep. Reminds me of a girl I knew in high school,but thats another story for another time. Great deer!
Crazy! Looks like hes posing for a pedigree photo. Look at that chest! Definitely a broken ear butt, I bet hes been in a few brawls.... and won!

He's a nice buck, better get him!
I use video on my cams and I shared this on my land tour thread but I wanted to share it here as well. He isn't a mature deer but the rack is pretty interesting....

I use video on my cams and I shared this on my land tour thread but I wanted to share it here as well. He isn't a mature deer but the rack is pretty interesting....

That deer has got some mega potential =)
That deer has got some mega potential =)
I would love to see him in a year or two, but I very seldom have that luxury. I just want to see him in person and I'll decide then. His body tells me he needs to grow some....his rack (due to it's uniqueness) is going to be hard to pass up.
I would say you have him pretty figured out if your finding where he is bedding. I typically find where they have been and then have to work back from there to figure out where they are coming from and where they are going....
I would love to see him in a year or two, but I very seldom have that luxury. I just want to see him in person and I'll decide then. His body tells me he needs to grow some....his rack (due to it's uniqueness) is going to be hard to pass up.

Better dump him. Knowing your neighborhood is important.
Congrats....really nice deer!
congrats, thats a great buck!!
Way to get it done! Beauty!