I had the same problem.Also, I was trying to do the firmware update, but it doesnt come up as save as. when I click on it, I get the folAnyt helpowing:
Please help. THis has been very frustrating getting these all setup to work. Any help is appreciated.
View attachment 54324
I could be wrong but I believe the largest card you can use is a 32g.I just pulled fresh from the package a L cam and a sandisk 64g card. Card test returned check sd. Clear sd returned check sd.
I pulled it, checked and the file sysytem was NTSF and then reformatted to exFAT file system. Inserted in to camera and card passes test and the camera successfully cleared it.
It appears they do not like NTSF file system which was already loaded on the cards I bought.
Also, it will not load firmware from a card using NTSF file system from what I just tested.
I could be wrong but I believe the largest card you can use is a 32g.
The low res image quality is better than expected. I am also impressed with the motion sensor. This is looking like the best overall trail cam i have used to date, even if it was off network. It caught a squirrel on the run, almost View attachment 55500View attachment 55501mid frame.
That's what I said. I showed it to a wildlife biologist and an old sheep herder. The sheep herder said it was squirrel so I am going with it.WTF is that?! A wallaby?!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It could have been, but the signal jived with the terrain and no indication it was anyones but mine. They are not real popular in my neck of the woods, yet. I may change that. I do wonder though, because I have a couple in trees just over half mile that are hovering in the 10-20 range.4 more cams, cool! I've seen ppl complain about lack of distance when linking, but, the system has exceeded my expectations, with 1/2-3/4 mile single links possible at my site. I've had some queue issues occasionally with the cams with poor links, so you may have to deal with that if spreading them way out. Are you sure that the unit wasn't picking up a closer cam than the cell cam, cause 4.5 miles is a crazy long distance for this RF signal!
should not be louder and software was changed on the L so it wont change back and forth more than once at sunrise and sunset if light conditions change.question on l series cuddelink cameras. Is the shutter louder than on the old camera? I have a camera about 10 yards from an entry point and both times a buck walked out they spooked and ran off. It's obvious the first pic startled them. one buck is a 3 year old and the other is a 2 year old so not super mature spooky bucks.
I have all the setting on the default modes the camera was shipped with.
okay thanks..should not be louder and software was changed on the L so it wont change back and forth more than once at sunrise and sunset if light conditions change.