Cuddelink general Q&A recommendations

there isnt a fix, the filter should only move when the ambient switches from dark to light in the morning and in the evening. if you are testing the camera indoors it will do it constantly because it cant determine the light level. The new L series do not have a filter .
Ouch, I think I'll need to keep these out of their bedroom then and place them high and back a ways from the target areas. Luckily the does seem to not bust out too often but not taking the chance with a target buck.
CONDENSATION INSIDE - noticed a few weeks ago, that the camera was sending me (via email) photos that looked a little fuzzy. Got out there yesterday to investigate and noticed condensation inside the flash lens. When I opened the battery compartment, it was dry. When I pulled out the SD card, it was completely wet and water dripping out. I do not see any visible signs of water entry on the top. Anyone else had similar problems and how did you fix? I brought the camera inside and trying to dry it out - should I remove the 6 or 7 screws around the flash / IR / lens section and open it up to dry out a little more? The darn thing is only 9 months old - drat!


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CONDENSATION INSIDE - noticed a few weeks ago, that the camera was sending me (via email) photos that looked a little fuzzy. Got out there yesterday to investigate and noticed condensation inside the flash lens. When I opened the battery compartment, it was dry. When I pulled out the SD card, it was completely wet and water dripping out. I do not see any visible signs of water entry on the top. Anyone else had similar problems and how did you fix? I brought the camera inside and trying to dry it out - should I remove the 6 or 7 screws around the flash / IR / lens section and open it up to dry out a little more? The darn thing is only 9 months old - drat!
it would be under warranty , you can dry it out in a bag of rice and try it again or send it in for replacement , make sure you have the battery compartment closed all the way tight.
Been having a problem with one of my Cuddeback Cameras in my cuddlink system of seven cameras. I have one camera watching my pole barn as a security camera. Took it down the other day and moved it to a new it would take a pair of pics about each hour......for no apparent reason. I thought maybe a branch was moving or some such I relocated the camera today and put in fresh batteries. The system checks say it's good. I put it up at 2 PM and have now had 4 sets of two pictures sent to my email. Not sure how to resolve this issue. Not sure what triggers the camera. I do not have any leaves or shadows.....been a cloudy day. Baffled.


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Been having a problem with one of my Cuddeback Cameras in my cuddlink system of seven cameras. I have one camera watching my pole barn as a security camera. Took it down the other day and moved it to a new it would take a pair of pics about each hour......for no apparent reason. I thought maybe a branch was moving or some such I relocated the camera today and put in fresh batteries. The system checks say it's good. I put it up at 2 PM and have now had 4 sets of two pictures sent to my email. Not sure how to resolve this issue. Not sure what triggers the camera. I do not have any leaves or shadows.....been a cloudy day. Baffled.
try pulling the sd card , clear the internal memory and put a new SD card in it. I would also change the camera delay for a few days and then change it back . If it persists set up a return to send it back.
try pulling the sd card , clear the internal memory and put a new SD card in it. I would also change the camera delay for a few days and then change it back . If it persists set up a return to send it back.
Thanks John. I will try as you suggest!
try pulling the sd card , clear the internal memory and put a new SD card in it. I would also change the camera delay for a few days and then change it back . If it persists set up a return to send it back.
^ This did the trick. Thanks for your help in setting me straight again!
As I have been sharing on the forum, I have the four camera J-series system with a G-cell home that I have been adding solar. Last weekend I added the PW 3600 to camera #4 and #5 on this system. It worked for one night, but the next morning camera #5 was not on the report. When I checked it the camera will not power up. Although I've had the camera 2.5 years, its only been in the field about 60 days. Any thoughts? I tried new batteries, but the camera will not power up. I am not sure if it is a camera issue or related to the solar, as it was working great prior to the solar addition.

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As I have been sharing on the forum, I have the four camera J-series system with a G-cell home that I have been adding solar. Last weekend I added the PW 3600 to camera #4 and #5 on this system. It worked for one night, but the next morning camera #5 was not on the report. When I checked it the camera will not power up. Although I've had the camera 2.5 years, its only been in the field about 60 days. Any thoughts? I tried new batteries, but the camera will not power up. I am not sure if it is a camera issue or related to the solar, as it was working great prior to the solar addition.

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what brand , size and type of batteries are in camera 4 and 5 . 4D?
All of the J cameras are 12 AAA using Delco Alkaline batteries. I also tested each battery to make sure I did not have a bad one—all were 1.58-1.64 v.
All of the J cameras are 12 AAA using Delco Alkaline batteries. I also tested each battery to make sure I did not have a bad one—all were 1.58-1.64 v.
This is likely your issue. If you are running 3600 solar , they have an internal battery. That battery is about 8.4 volts, its designed to be used with a Cuddelink camera that is running 4D alkaline batteries which are about 6 volts. In that situation, all the batteries are, is a back up to the solar. The camera runs on the solar panel and if it drops below 6 volts the internals kick in as back up. When the sun charges its own battery back up , the camera will switch back to running on the solar battery.
When running a 12 aa or 6 d camera , you need to use rechargeable batteries not alkaline as the alkaline cant take a charge and the voltage is higher than the solar battery.
If you want to use 3600 panel on the cuddelink's, you need to either use it with a 4D internal with alkaline(available for purchase), or use rechargeable aa's.
All Cuddelink cameras are now only manufactured in 4D , originally we made 12aa and at that time sold the 3501 panel that included 12 rechargeable aa's with the panel to use in the camera .
Thanks. Is the current camera salvagable? It will not power up on solar or its 12 batteries. I should also remove the solar from the other cameras on the 12 AA system.
Thanks. Is the current camera salvagable? It will not power up on solar or its 12 batteries. I should also remove the solar from the other cameras on the 12 AA system.
battery compartment may have been damaged from the panel trying to charge the alkalines, i would test the panel on another camera without batteries in it to insure its operating and the battery in it isnt damaged. Then i woudl take the back off another camera and try it on the one that wont power up, if its the battery compartment, you can get a replacement 4d model for minimal money and be rolling again.if it wont power up with another battery compartment and if your camera has only 60 run days you may also send in and see if they will warranty it.
Hello, yesterday I just setup my Cuddelink system. I used a K series camera for the home camera and 4 J series cameras. I ran cell test for the home camera and it sent me the email. So then yesterday I put all the cameras out and they all had good service back to the home camera. But I never did get any pictures of myself while in front of the cameras setting them up nor did I get a cell report this morning. Then when I go into the portal on cuddebacks website on the K series camera shows, it says it activated. Not sure what I did wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hello, yesterday I just setup my Cuddelink system. I used a K series camera for the home camera and 4 J series cameras. I ran cell test for the home camera and it sent me the email. So then yesterday I put all the cameras out and they all had good service back to the home camera. But I never did get any pictures of myself while in front of the cameras setting them up nor did I get a cell report this morning. Then when I go into the portal on cuddebacks website on the K series camera shows, it says it activated. Not sure what I did wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am fairly new to the Cuddeback system as well, and had a similar experience that took care of itself after 24 hours. Give it another day and post an update.
battery compartment may have been damaged from the panel trying to charge the alkalines, i would test the panel on another camera without batteries in it to insure its operating and the battery in it isnt damaged. Then i woudl take the back off another camera and try it on the one that wont power up, if its the battery compartment, you can get a replacement 4d model for minimal money and be rolling again.if it wont power up with another battery compartment and if your camera has only 60 run days you may also send in and see if they will warranty it.
John, thanks so much for the help.

I swapped battery compartments from a camera that was working and put it on the camera that would not power up. Success--it powered up and is running, and is showing up on the report as camera 005 running 004's old battery compartment. Hopefully the pictures is the queue will send at next report. The solar is not connected.

Camera 004 is now in the house, so I am assuming the report has old data.

Next Steps: From what you wrote, here are the options I have:
1) Convert to 4D battery compartments on some or all cameras using the PW-3600 solar charger
2) Use NiMH rechargeable batteries and the PW-3600 charger on any camera still using the 12AA compartment. Screen Shot 2022-07-31 at 10.52.17 AM.png
I am fairly new to the Cuddeback system as well, and had a similar experience that took care of itself after 24 hours. Give it another day and post an update.
What problems were you encouraging?
What problems were you encouraging?
I was not getting pictures sent to the home camera and the camp cuddeback page showed the cameras were activated, but no field reports. After about 24 hours the report showed up and I started receiving pictures by email. They also showed up on the camp cuddeback page.
Okay, thanks. Hopefully that’s the issue. Just frustrating
Okay, thanks. Hopefully that’s the issue. Just frustrating
Agreed. However, I am pretty happy with the system now that it is set up. I used Moultrie Mobile for years and it worked OK, but was costly. For a home system, I am very happy with this on our 85 acres. For my remote properties I am using the SpyPoint solar/cellular, as it has no additional costs and works fine for the limited number of pictures I need from those cameras.

The best part of the Cuddeback system is John's feedback (the OP for this thread). He has been a huge help for many on this forum.