Cuddelink Cell


Buck Fawn
I have a Cuddelink Cell and 2 remote cameras that are brand new, purchased in April 2023. I got them all set up on July 4th and was receiving emails and photos on the app on the 4th and 5th. Along come the 6th and noting. the app now say selected camera does not have remotes attached to it. I dont understand how this can work one day and not the next. Why is the cell saying no remotes when I have them attached and was working fine the day before.
Can someone please help?
Thanks in advance.
Did you get a a status report on the days it was working that showed the “link level” of your remotes and number of links? If you get to a level that is too low it can work on some days and not work others. I think below about 20 can be problematic.

If the remote is showing more than 1 link that means it is linking on a chain through other remotes to the home…. So if you lose connection anywhere on the chain you lose all connection downstream of the broken link.
We never received a status report. We did link level and got one of the remotes set up. But the other isnt showing and it has a link level 36 and its not showing at all on our home.

I tried to do the firmware, but all it does is give me the instructions when I click on the blue box. It doesnt pop up a save as, so unable to update firmware. HELP!
I’d post this question on the running Cuddeback general Q&A that John Volkman stated.
Have the cameras been removed or knocked down by people or critters?

I will note that it too around 5 or 6 days for my system to fully settle into the routine of sending pictures and daily reports. The fact that you never received a report or link level tells me something may not be set up properly or you have a rare issue with a camera.

I have been more than happy with the Cuddelink system, but did have a few set up issues John helped me walk through.