Big change coming to parts of WI

I'm pretty sure u shot a couple decent looking bucks in your place last year. If I didn't already have a place in mn I could shoot a legit 150, is probably be interested.
If u would be nicer to me u Could shoot all the does u wanted. U kinda have a problem being nice though.....
How are the farms still functioning with the disease likely higher in their operations? Wouldn't they burn out at some point? I truly don't understand that part.
The Great Recession put an end to a lot of the low tier farmers. I've got a good feeling the economy has put a hurt in a lot of the bigger ones too. Feeds crazy expensive for these guys, and demand has shrunk. These wanna be hunters want to try to fit in with us real hunters, so demand is shifting towards more natural typical looking deer. There is still demand for 400" freaks, just not as much. So now the farms are scrambling to shift to more natural looking genetics.
A lot of guys have gone under, but the bigger ones have to choice but to get bigger. As is the case with wilderness whitetails.
Sd the next 5-10 years will give us a much clearer picture what Cwd does inside the fences. This disease spreads slowly, and it takes time to grow.
You can still grow a solid 3 year old with beauty antlers that has Cwd. By fall it's a zombie, but the mighty hunter still feels proud shooting his 250" buck walking like a zombie. He sure as he'll isn't eating the meat. It's bone their after.
I have deer dipper. I want you to exchange hunts with guys in a cold pocket of zero dpsm.

Because you claim it a better option than what you have.
If u would be nicer to me u Could shoot all the does u wanted. U kinda have a problem being nice though.....

Sounds like you need a hug :(. Swap a hunt for a hug?
Dipper - are you PM'm the guys you are swapping hunts with or just running your lips with no bone behind it?

Anybody get an email from Dipper willing to swap hunts because those with 9 dpsm have a better deal than he has?
My question is did the testing method change during the time period of the graph? Did they stop testing random deer and only started testing deer that hunters wanted tested? Trying to determine if the affected rate changed or Maybe hunters only got deers tested that looked sick
Colorado had it in 1967. Still deer running in those areas.

Yet Dipper keeps running his mouth about how bad it is. But he would not trade it for the greener pastures he bemoans. Because hunting 9 dpsm with 14 hunters per square mile is an exercise in stupidity.
Sounds like you need a hug :(. Swap a hunt for a hug?
I've got many words for batman, but a not so nice
Dipper - are you PM'm the guys you are swapping hunts with or just running your lips with no bone behind it?

Anybody get an email from Dipper willing to swap hunts because those with 9 dpsm have a better deal than he has?
your so funny, I don't owe you or anyone else a thing.
your so funny, I don't owe you or anyone else a thing.

But a great many would appreciate it if you and your wisdom evaporated never to be seen again.
I'm debating with guys who have their minds a 100% made up. Again, I don't care to change or impact your life. Just like most of the other users here, it's better to shut your mouth when the kings of habitat talk get on their soap box.
As always, enjoy your miserable selves....peeps :)
But a great many would appreciate it if you and your wisdom evaporated never to be seen again.
I bow to the king haha you are just a nasty person
dipper, I have to ask, have you personally taken your relatives to task over this? I find it very offputting when you come on here and take these guys to task over something that very many of them have no personal connection with and many only have a very basic knowledge of the disease and the situations. Do you rub your families faces in it EVERY time you see them at a family reunion? Wedding? Graduation party? EVER? Your family appears to be a pretty substantial "violator" where CWD is concerned. By "violator", I don't mean they violate any statutory laws, because we all know those are a joke and they won't be getting changed anytime soon to force these deer farmers to do anything that will cost them money or their livelihoods. I mean they "violate" the common sense rules and apparently the "dipper code of CWD ethics", likely on a daily basis. Do you call your family(who are directly involved) out on it as often as you call the guys on HT out on something they have no control over or even have a direct connection to? If you do call them out every time you see them, then I commend you for it, if not, you might want to look in the mirror before calling out the members of a forum who are not deer farmers and likely don't have any type of relationship with deer farmers and little knowledge of deer farming other than rhetoric from others. You think it is an effort in futility for guys to try and get better hunting by calling out their DNR and taking them to task, and those DNR folks "work" for the taxpayers(the hunters) of their state, so they should be answering to the taxpayers. How futile do you really think it would be for these guys to go in front of their legislators and ask them to stop deer farming and having to fight against the big money that would be thrown against them in that fight. Especially in a situation where they have no control over the actual people they are trying to stop and those people do not owe the hunters any explanation at all because they will argue they are just trying to make a living. It is not fair to call these guys out if you are not doing EVERYTHING in your power to stop your own relatives from being one of the primary problems you are asking these guys to remedy. I have gotten into fist fights for calling out guys for shooting too many does in the bar, have you went to blows over the deer farmer/CWD issue with your relatives? Those family fights are some of the best ones from my experience. Time to put up or.......
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My question is did the testing method change during the time period of the graph? Did they stop testing random deer and only started testing deer that hunters wanted tested? Trying to determine if the affected rate changed or Maybe hunters only got deers tested that looked sick
With the budget drying up, there is less money for sample acquisition and testing. With less, and sporadic sampling being done in different areas, the increase and spread of CWD less known to the public.
dipper, I have to ask, have you personally taken your relatives to task over this? I find it very offputting when you come on here and take these guys to task over something that very many of them have no personal connection with and many only have a very basic knowledge of the disease and the situations. Do you rub your families faces in it EVERY time you see them at a family reunion? Wedding? Graduation party? EVER? Your family appears to be a pretty substantial "violator" where CWD is concerned. By "violator", I don't mean they violate any statutory laws, because we all know those are a joke and they won't be getting changed anytime soon to force these deer farmers to do anything that will cost them money or their livelihoods. I mean they "violate" the common sense rules and apparently the "dipper code of CWD ethics", likely on a daily basis. Do you call your family(who are directly involved) out on it as often as you call the guys on HT out on something they have no control over or even have a direct connection to? If you do call them out every time you see them, then I commend you for it, if not, you might want to look in the mirror before calling out the members of a forum who are not deer farmers and likely don't have any type of relationship with deer farmers and little knowledge of deer farming other than rhetoric from others. You think it is an effort in futility for guys to try and get better hunting by calling out their DNR and taking them to task, and those DNR folks "work" for the taxpayers(the hunters) of their state, so they should be answering to the taxpayers. How futile do you really think it would be for these guys to go in front of their legislators and ask them to stop deer farming and having to fight against the big money that would be thrown against them in that fight. Especially in a situation where they have no control over the actual people they are trying to stop and those people do not owe the hunters any explanation at all because they will argue they are just trying to make a living. It is not fair to call these guys out if you are not doing EVERYTHING in your power to stop your own relatives from being one of the primary problems you are asking these guys to remedy. I have gotten into fist fights for calling out guys for shooting too many does in the bar, have you went to blows over the deer farmer/CWD issue with your relatives? Those family fights are some of the best ones from my experience. Time to put up or.......
First off ww isn't bringing deer into the area, they are shipping out. Everyone want their genetics. When I speak of deer farmers, I'm speaking of a half dozen I am aware of.
And yes I have voiced concern right to the horses mouth. Just take a guess how that was received when there is millions of $ on the line. Just like the thousands of high capacity wells pumping water like crazy between here and wi dells. You think the farmers sucking the water dry are going to just shut things off because a minority is calling them out? Just like your buddy batman, they don't want to hear a thing they have their minds set on.
But a great many would appreciate it if you and your wisdom evaporated never to be seen again.
I'd pay to see the first guy you tell what to do on their own land. It's really funny how nasty u get and I'm not really challenging your cause. I'm simply giving another very important topic to consider in deer management. Some egos are bigger than others, trust me, I get it ;)
Yea, pretty cruddy news. And I was hoping it might be an isolated incident.
Scary stuff. We In MO are just in the infancy of the CWD thing. And as much as I love MDC, I think they are looking
In the wrong places.

Their looking in the wild. Not the pen.