Big change coming to parts of WI

Who will pay the $90/test?

Not many. But they have mentioned that if there was enough of a market for it that there probably could be a cheaper test created and you possibly could do it yourself. Whether or not that comes to reality remains to be seen.

Worst case, I guess with all the money I put into deer hunting I would probably pay for the two or three deer we shoot a year knowing I'm losing money on the meat. Rather than give the whole hobby up.
Since I have/am setting up my whole property for deer hunting I can't imagine what my land value would be if the transfer to humans occurs. Scary really.
I doubt we would be given the option if it poses a real threat to humans. The feds would eradicate the deer, lites out. Ask 48 million chickens/turkey how this year is going.

Could be. I guess it depends on how that transfer is occurring. If you have to eat infected meat that can be tested for and prevented and the meat that comes back as positive isn't a threat to anything other than eating it the deer hunting industry may survive. If that meat is a serious threat to human health that can not be properly managed then yeah. End of story.
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Nofo u might have missed my post when u were fishing. Wilderness whitetails and Cwd is gonna be in northern waupaca county this year. They are renting and fenced of a large chunk of tigerton land.

Keep it spreading baby!!!

So if I understand it correct these Wilderness Whitetail people build a fence around an existing wooded land and then control the genetics within that fence? Or could someone help me understand what they are about.

Management Hunt: $4,000
Mature Bucks up to 160"

Bronze Hunt: $6,000
Mature Bucks from 160-180"

Silver Hunt: $9,000
Mature Bucks from 180 - 200”

Gold Hunt: Call For Pricing
Mature Bucks from 200”
Those hunts seems pretty cheap to me!
Those hunts seems pretty cheap to me!

Admittedly I'm not very up on the fenced "hunt" market. LOL
The issue would be that CWD prions have been proven to exist in vegetation now. No way will the gooberment allow some critter to be dropping prions all over the place which could then be transferred to other animals and then to humans. If CWD crosses the species barrier to humans...its going to be ugly

Yes. If it is beyond the meat then it will get ugly. 100% agree.
Check out the interactive map, and how Cwd prevalence is sky rocketing on the northern Cwd zone near spring green.
Prevalence is increasing everywhere, and if the rate follows the western states, Iowa county will be looking at around 40% infection in the next 10-15 years.
These deer farms need to be outlawed. In portage county there's only been 4 positives but they are all near Cwd positive deer farms, one of which is manned by the dnr.


How'd u like to own that section w 42 positives, and rising. Looks like some hot spots flaring up south of baraboo, west of dodgeville and north of lone rock.
Based on the trends, I'll have about 15 before western waupaca county starts filling up some sections. The new ww farm closer to pope will have positive Cwd in next 5, so it will end up consuming the northern 2/3rds of waupaca county in 25 years.
The one kicker is the almond farm in southern portage produced the highest rate ever seen, so we might have the perfect conditions to expedite spread. I think that rate was over 80%.
Sw Sauk and south central Iowa have the same prevalence as the core north of mt horeb. It just Exploded!

Mn has nothing compared to the doom hitting wi! Hell in 100 years they might have the only healthy deer left!
Cwd isn't ehd that's comes and goes. 40%-80% have been documented, the scary thing for me, the 80% was close to home:eek:
At times I consider myself a smart guy. Now isn't one of them. What is that graph telling me?
The solid line is the calculated % of deer with Cwd. As u see its It will hit 40% like it is in the western states. Possibly 80% like it was documented near me.
The dotted line is the number of deer tested, which is less since 2002.
So here lies the choice for u mn guys. Do u prefer less deer like you currently have? Or more deer like we have in wi, but 40%-80% of those deer have Cwd?
Oh-do you think we should continue having deer farms that are spreading the sh!t!!!!!!?????
So here lies the choice for u mn guys. Do u prefer less deer like you currently have? Or more deer like we have in wi, but 40%-80% of those deer have Cwd?

I believe there to be other options than the 2 you offer.

Nice fire alarm style graphic as well. Take a scale of 1 - 100 and make 18 the top like as soon as you blow past there all deer have it.

And then they act is if sampling fewer deer means something compared to the rising incidence. If its a legit sample that number is not even relevant.

Put you money where you mouth is Dip and offer some swap hunts on low number CWD free herds here in MN while they come hunt your high incidence area in WI. Bet you don't take that bet. Bet that shows which you would rather have to hunt.
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Everyone has an opinion and choice to make it. It's gonna get to 40%, higher in bucks. It might get to 80% like it already has in almond, wi. These are facts, that's what it is out west.
No one is safe until the deer farms quit spreading it. The mo is it starts with a deer farm, and it appears to take approximately 10 years to get outside the fence into the wild deer. Another 10-15 to get the rates in mt horeb.
Like I've told you before you can try to debate the till we're blue in the face. As of right now we get to sit back and watch it unfold before our eyes. In 30 years we can say who did it wrong, if anybody.
In the mean time, deer pens will be stacked full of deer, causing unnatural/beyond insane densities. If things don't change, those farms will continue to ship deer anywhere and everywhere. Making spread of the disease so much easier.
I'm not getting any money in my mouth, but the farms still are.
How are the farms still functioning with the disease likely higher in their operations? Wouldn't they burn out at some point? I truly don't understand that part.
Everyone has an opinion and choice to make it. .

So you gonna choose to do some swap hunts for the better situation we have here in MN? Hell I will even swap a couple farms 'like kind exchange' with low deer numbers for your high incidence areas.
How are the farms still functioning with the disease likely higher in their operations? Wouldn't they burn out at some point? I truly don't understand that part.

If there is no live test, I guess it is 100% terminal. Only dead deer can officially have CWD?