A few habitat pics I thought you might enjoy

I thought I would do a little update.

Last year I started working on some places to promote wild blackberry in areas that are easy for picking. These are areas at the edge of the oak planting where the land gets enough sunlight. They are also areas that I work food plots and mow some, so keeping trails cleared serve multiple purposes. On my land all you have to do is not mow the areas where you want the berries and cut back any trees and shrubs that come up near them. Mother Nature does the rest of the work.





My food plots are off to a good start. Some of them have grass coming in, but I will worry about that later. I have tons of clover and chicory.

The tall species in the background of the first pic is oats that were planted last fall. I'm going to let the mature for the birds.




Apples and pears both have taken a hit from our late freezes, but some trees are doing okay while others have failed crops.





Arrowwood Viburnum in bloom. This is the most heavily browsed shrub on my place - and it is spreading like crazy. I can't believe how many new ones I see popping up.



Male and Female bobcat on same camera. He is much bigger than her.



I've got us a deer to watch that is starting out with some good mass. Hope to have better pictures soon.


That's about it guys. I have my mowing finished and I'm hunting down thistles now in my spare time. Happy trails until the next update.

Edit - adding a better pic of the one above:

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Good mass..
You got a good looking buck there! I have some bobcats popping up here and there now as well. I watched a coyote chase one a year or two ago while turkey hunting. I thought it might be the other way around, but perhaps the bobcat was too close to the coyote den. Did you protect your arrowwood viburnum when you planted it?
How long does arrowwood viburnum hold its leaves?
You got a good looking buck there! I have some bobcats popping up here and there now as well. I watched a coyote chase one a year or two ago while turkey hunting. I thought it might be the other way around, but perhaps the bobcat was too close to the coyote den. Did you protect your arrowwood viburnum when you planted it?
Yes I planted 4 of them and protected them. Now I have them popping up all over the farm. I see lots of browsing, but it doesn't seem to hurt their growth.
How long does arrowwood viburnum hold its leaves?

Ben, I can’t recall exactly, but they shed their leaves in the fall when most other trees and shrubs do. They wouldn’t be a perfect road screen like an evergreen, but they are very thick, and if a guy had two rows of them, they should make an effective screen.
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Nice to see when bucks have the coke can size bases when they start pushing out antles.
Ben, I can’t recall exactly, but they shed their leaves in the fall when most other trees and shrubs do. They wouldn’t be a perfect road screen like an evergreen, but they are very thick, and if a guy had two rows of them, they should make an effective screen.
I bet they would make a great addition for edge feathering or edge of food plots or a travel corridor across a field too. Did you plant them or were they already there?
I bet they would make a great addition for edge feathering or edge of food plots or a travel corridor across a field too. Did you plant them or were they already there?
I planted 4 and now I have about 4,000....lol. But that’s okay because of how they are browsed. It’s much better than seeing something undesirable come up. If you don’t want to buy any, get with me this fall and I will dig some up for you.
Update 6-12-21

My food plots are really growing well. We have had an abundance of rain over the last few days.




This is a plot that was too thin. Two weeks ago I mowed the mature wheat down on some new seed, and the rains have given me great germination. This is some summer species and quite a bit or red clover seed I had left over from last year.


June apples are ripening. These are absolutely delicious. The deer are cleaning up every one that hits the ground, so I picked some for myself today.





Switchgrass rebounding from spring mowing:




Some other fruit:




Bracing trees I topworked this spring to keep wind from damaging them:



Soybeans coming up:


No toads yet for me.

but it’s early. ;)
Looks like a lot of things going right there Native! You'll be making some good pies soon enough! :)

None of my big deer have been around either... any day I imagine.
I recently sprayed Cleth on my plots. I hadn't done this for a long time and was getting a lot of grass. Once the grass dies, I will overseed the plots and mow them down fairly close to get some good new growth for fall.


Getting some nice apples right now:




Some more fruit:



Deer are still growing well. Plenty of soybeans now to help them fill on out:





That's about it guys. Have a good one.
That is alot of older class bucks you have there Native, great job bud!