Who's working in the woods this weekend?

looks good, I hear beets are a heavy feeder, slow to get moving. I tried a few mangel beets, they never stood a chance and were browsed out of existance.

MK ... thanks. Have been wanting to try sugar beets for a long but it seems there are too who promote the fear factor of competition ... you can't succeed without round up ready. I needed the right field (soil, moisture, sun) and did what I could to prep and like some on here ... then said WTF?

Because of prior commitments, planting later than I wanted to. just tired of trying the same old formula, really need a late fall/winter food source. If they don't work out, i am actually in a better plan to support them next year. Clover & WR over seeding this fall will only help.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained ...
Having a backup plan is always key, I always have enough emergency seed for a few acres, in the form of winter wheat or a last rush turnip crop for when new tries of weather related failure occur. I hope you get the rains they need, good luck and keep uus up to date with pictures
was down last night and seeded another acre with this same mix, and a pic of it that was seeded just 12 days earlier...
large center is bmr corn, feathery just to the right of the corn is lentil, very bottom sunflower, and just to left of corn is an oat!

Gunna try, have way to much to get done before fall.
Planned on getting a bunch done, but with a thunderstorm predicted for Sat, I may have to trim back the schedule.

Take the tubes off all my new apple trees. Replace with Alum screen, thz for the tip fellas.
Put up a new tree stand, trim shooting lanes.
Change cards in single trail cam
Pick up some Russian olives I cut down this spring. Prep the site for the tiller to get ready for next springs new windbreak.
Chainsaw an old stand of plum thicket to try an get some rejuvenation going. It never stood a chance, the deer should have been fenced out for the first three yrs. Not a lot of life left in it (8yr stand) after constantly getting hammered to the ground in the winter.

Just glad I don't have to water trees finally, first time in three weeks. Mother Nature decided to help out a bit.
Gonna spend Saturday repairing a gate at my grandmas then early Sunday head to dad's farm to till up some strips to plant EW. Planted EW a couple weeks ago but the seed didn't germinate. It was older seed so we're thinking it was bad. We didn't do anything different then in years' past so it's got to be the seed. Gonna check my trail cams too. Not really sure what else I might get into while I'm there. I have one stand I want to move. We'll see if I'm motivated for that in the heat.
I weed whipped a 3/4 acre plot of 5-6 foot tall winter rye today. I will disc it in over July 4th and plant radish, turnips, and I bought a bag of sugar beets, that I will either mix in with the other 2, or plant a separate row down the middle of my plot. But it is t rr, and I was thinking the turnips, and radishes may work as a nursing crop for them? Not sure if that would work or not.

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Put in 2 acres of forage soy beans & milo mix yesterday afternoon. The mix is 90/10 forage soy bean/milo. The outer edges of this plot is surrounded by a 20' strip of sudan grass & milo to create an edge effect.
that looks great, a 2 acre plot of beans by me would be browsed out of existance in a week.

I bought a kick in the roots today for my corn, 200lbs of tripple 19. first time I bought fert for a plot, hope it helps. 12.50 a 50 lb bag, not bad I thought.

also bought 10 lbs mammoth red clover, and a lb of pumpkin seeds.
7FBAEB8F-590F-4CF2-BA30-7CF2874E9ADD.JPG 2E87758D-0BD3-494A-B9F7-96A9B1EC9190.JPG 747B977F-B1A5-46A5-BAC4-07C7F4496535.JPG I spread 1000 lbs of pelletized lime today and the last 150 pounds of fertilizer as per my soil test. That's a ton and a half of lime on about an acres worth of food plot trails this spring. Soil test actually called for more but it'll have to suffice for now. It will certainly be an improvement and I'll continue to amend as time and resources allow. It's been two weeks since I mowed the rye. The clover is doing okay.

After I was done working I grabbed my bow and did a little shooting. I picked up a 28 inch hurricane bag target for 50% off at Gander Mountain's going out of business sale along with another game camera. I figure for $34 I can just leave the bag out there and take my bow along and practice when I go out. Maybe we'll even build an archery range at the campground now. We could easily do a sixty yard range.

I was pretty tired and am dealing with what I hope is just a little tendinitis in my shoulder (although I fear it's a rotator cuff - I had the left one repaired in 2000 and it's pretty much the same feeling). I cranked my bow down from 67 to 55 lbs last week and was adjusting the sights today. Not shooting for a group but my last five shots I took one at 20 yards, one at 25 yards, one at 30, one at 35 and one at 40. At 20 and 25 I aimed for the heart, at 30-40 I aimed for center of the lungs. The 40 yard shot barely made it in - but at least I was able to get started practicing again.


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that looks great, a 2 acre plot of beans by me would be browsed out of existance in a week.

I bought a kick in the roots today for my corn, 200lbs of tripple 19. first time I bought fert for a plot, hope it helps. 12.50 a 50 lb bag, not bad I thought.

also bought 10 lbs mammoth red clover, and a lb of pumpkin seeds.

You should add your USDA zone # to your tag ... hard to respond ....beans are only one of many items planted.

Trying the Forage Beans as they can get 4'-5' high ... we will see how they perform ...
right in sig, zone 6a
right in sig, zone 6a

Sorry ... your location is in your bottom line.

We have high deer population and expect them to get hammered. Will broadcast clover and winter rye in them early fall.
got out and got some work done today, spread 200 lbs of tripple 19, spread 100 lbs of oats, 25 lbs lentil, 5 pounds of sunn hemp, 1/2 lb pumpkin seed. shocked by the performance so far of the lentil, growing well where planted over the last few weeks, and the plot I spread it in Thursday night has germinated, 4 days and its about to be up and running! the trip 19 went on my corn, which if I waited another week would have been too tall, some of it is past my knees already. SERIOUS rains forecast for tomorrow, so the fert shuld get washed off the corn, and start making its way into the root zone. bout ready to fire up the grill and do some porter house for me and Dad, and a NY strip for Mom. sure got hot and humid, 93 degrees and the air is thick.
been getting lucky with my seeding and fert, I seed, it rains, I seed and fertilize it rains pretty damn good. now nice growing weather ahead for the next few days.
I should be able to kick back a bit for a few weeks, just need to spray mile a minute, and look at tree options, apple, paw paw, chestnut........
I weed whipped a 3/4 acre plot of 5-6 foot tall winter rye today. I will disc it in over July 4th and plant radish, turnips, and I bought a bag of sugar beets, that I will either mix in with the other 2, or plant a separate row down the middle of my plot. But it is t rr, and I was thinking the turnips, and radishes may work as a nursing crop for them? Not sure if that would work or not.

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Did you use string or metal blade on the rye? How long did it take to do the 3/4 acre?

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I have to work this coming weekend but Monday is going to be a raspberry picking festival for the wife and I!
They are just about ready, next week should be right and it looks like a good year for them. Lot's of blackberries coming on for next month too.
Did you use string or metal blade on the rye? How long did it take to do the 3/4 acre?

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I used a string, it took about 2 hours, but I didnt work very hard.
I used a string, it took about 2 hours, but I didnt work very hard.
Looks like there's been plenty of rain in the area, hoping to get up there to see if the BW I threw down on Memorial day weekend has done anything.

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I am sure the BW is growing, it has been almost ideal growing weather.
I will be out.....just maybe no tin the woods. Lots of weeds to spray and mowing to be done. Maybe transplant a few trees and start a new project (thanks to Bill). Anything interesting I'll take pics and post like always on my property tour thread.

Be safe out there, and don't let the heat get to you or the bugs carry you off!!!!