Tree Spud
5 year old buck +
looks good, I hear beets are a heavy feeder, slow to get moving. I tried a few mangel beets, they never stood a chance and were browsed out of existance.
MK ... thanks. Have been wanting to try sugar beets for a long but it seems there are too who promote the fear factor of competition ... you can't succeed without round up ready. I needed the right field (soil, moisture, sun) and did what I could to prep and like some on here ... then said WTF?
Because of prior commitments, planting later than I wanted to. just tired of trying the same old formula, really need a late fall/winter food source. If they don't work out, i am actually in a better plan to support them next year. Clover & WR over seeding this fall will only help.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained ...