What are you planting? ... Spring 2022

I dont plant trees anymore. In the past I did a few apple trees.....and 1/2 have survived life on the northern tundra....and they produce a few apples about every other year. Too much effort and expense for the rewards at my latitude....IMO.

After logging......I get lots of regenerative trees in red and white pine, some jack pine, and some spruce and fir trees.....and considerable burr oak, and aspen regen too. Pretty good stem count. If anything....I need to thin the regen trees to allow the better varieties to thrive. It's now been 4 years since logging....and my regen is really good. This year I may use the rotary cutter to make a few" bedding pockets" in the 2 to 3" pine trees and in some aspens / willows. If I dont do it now....it will be too late to do it the easy way....with diesel power and a rotary cutter. .

Today I am focused on ten acres of food plots that wend their way through my property. Most are relative narrow, long plots that lend themselves to rifle hunting. Last year I decided to get away from row crop planting (corn and beans) and tillage.....whereever possible. No more bare dirt. So now I am trying to keep green things growing all year around.....and crowd out the weeds....while building my soils and OM. I am planting a summer release crop in June and roller crimping my winter rye after that. Then in late August will plant several varieties of brasisca, clovers, and winter rye again. Rinse and repeat. I bought most all seeds (1700#) for the year in October from Green Cover.....so I have a plan in place.

May take a timeout on fetiliizer this year. due to prices and availabilty....a bit depending on what things look like as the year progresses. Luckily I have applied pretty good quantities of fertilizers in the past few years.....and have some good crops planted currently to provide for future N needs.

Maybe my soil test results will provide a better insight of what is needed.

As an old boss told me...."Plan your work....then....work your plan". Grin.
Ranetka seedlings are standard size trees like Siberian and Dolgo crabs which make up their genetics so 20-30 ft. Mine are still a bit young to be that tall yet but have Siberians that are 25-30 ft tall and have seen Dolgos where they get the best care (arboretum) pushing over 35 ft.
Thank you for the info.
2 - Turning Point
2 - Buckman
4 - Seedling crabs (grown from seed from Sandbur)
And about 125 seedlings of mixed white, red, and chestnut oaks, sugar maple, Dunstan Chestnuts, black cherry, Chinese chestnut, Washington hawthorn, choke cherry, Norway and white spruce.
At this point, just making some "key acquisitions" as most of our properties are timbered to begin with.

5 - white spruce
5 - black hills spruce
5 - highbush cranberry
1- ninebark (potted, need to bolster pollination with another)
I got my Wildlife Group order today good looking AU Buck trees they must be using rootmakers on those. I also ordered 20 Chinese chestnuts bareroot they where good also but not rootmaker grown. They did substitute 2 AU gobblers with an extra Buck III and and an extra Buck IV they must of ran out of the gobbler’s.
Wallace Woodstock
3 red baron
3 Chestnut crab
3 Dolgo

Midwest Deer Trees
3 Kerr, 2 yellowbelly
2 Enterprise apple

SWCD tree sales
1 gallon BHS - Kandiyohi - 70 total
1 gallon NS - Kandiyohi - 70 total
2 gallon BHS - Meeker - 10 total
bundle ROD - Meeker - 25

And about 1200' of hybrid willow cutting screen plantings. Was thinking i'd use Austrees.com.
Sounds like pickup for Meeker SWCD is gonna be April 22-23. Hopefully Kandi is the same weekend and you can do it all in one trip. You should have no trouble fitting all of those pots into the back of a truck. I like to wedge the pots into boxes or plastic totes so they cant fall over or roll around during transport. You are gonna be really happy you didnt mess around with tiny little dink plugs.
I have 75 Norways coming from the PA Game Commission.
From Blue Hill I have
1 Chestnut Crab
1 Kerr
1 October Crab
3 Wild Crabapple (Might get some more of these if he still has when I go get them)
Found a place I can get ROD for free. so that's a possibility too.
Also have a scarlett oak and a redbud that have grown up in my flower bed. Going to try and transplant them.
Can never count out just randomly seeing something I'd like to buy and plant either
Picked up 25 each of red oak, white oak, swamp white oak, bur oak, black oak, American plum, hazelnut, silky dogwood, and red osier dogwood from the state nursery today. Managed to get 100 in the ground and tubed before I ran out of steam.
I was a pig in poop when I found out about the NYS nursery bareroot sale 5 years ago. How does other states offering pile up? Beside a small beach plum, wild grape, chestnut, and cherry My state didnt have anything fruit bearing like years past, crabapples, wild apple, asain plums.
Picked up 25 each of red oak, white oak, swamp white oak, bur oak, black oak, American plum, hazelnut, silky dogwood, and red osier dogwood from the state nursery today. Managed to get 100 in the ground and tubed before I ran out of steam.
I was a pig in poop when I found out about the NYS nursery bareroot sale 5 years ago. How does other states offering pile up? Beside a small beach plum, wild grape, chestnut, and cherry My state didnt have anything fruit bearing like years past, crabapples, wild apple, asain plums.
I'm in Pa. I bought trees from the game commission this year. I believe our DCNR also has a tree sale. And most county conservation districts also have tree sales. The only problem is the selection of trees from each are very similar. If I want anything more "exotic" I have to go out of state.
I bought 5 wild common apple plugs from the University of Idaho last spring and threw them into 5 foot tubes. I still dont believe I can pull off apple trees in bear country but I will never know if I dont try. 4 of the plugs are probably 1 foot away from the top of the tube, but this overachiever poked his head out in less then a year. I think I will cut the tube down some this spring and put a cage around it. If you dont mind smaller plugs Idaho has some very solid trees. I'm gonna get a few more western and rocky mountain conifers from them next year. Common apple might be a cheap option for some of you looking to dabble a little bit like me.

Top worked some pear trees, and will be planting 850 shrubs, elderberry, plum, choke cherry, and ninebark . Half are for crp planting and other half are for shrub structure in nwsg mixes non crp.
Top worked some pear trees, and will be planting 850 shrubs, elderberry, plum, choke cherry, and ninebark . Half are for crp planting and other half are for shrub structure in nwsg mixes non crp.
That's a load to get planted. Good luck with them all. With our rocky ground, we'd be lucky to get close to 100 things planted in a day - with help!
Planning on 600 spruce trees this year but only about 100 going in at my land. I'm going to pot the rest at home and baby for planting over the next 3 or 4 years. Also a few more apple trees , some ROD, Elderberry and High Bush Cranberry
That's a load to get planted. Good luck with them all. With our rocky ground, we'd be lucky to get close to 100 things planted in a day - with help!
I have a single bottom plow that I plow a furrow one way and then the other in the fall. It makes planting a breeze with the freeze thaw action over winter breaking down the soil even further. I only have a short window to plant because of weddings so I had to take a couple days off of work. Hope the weather works out on those days:)
There is what appears a pull behind tree planter on govdeals.com under ag
I was in town today looking all over for a pickaroon. Eventually I was forced to look at Menards. No pickaroon there either, but they did have some trees out. I glanced at a few apple tags and the ones I saw were $40. Also checked out some of their conifers. 2 gallon conifers were $24.99. Most of them looked pretty ratty. The ones from NRCS look twice as good and only cost $15.

Thinking I need to delay some nursery shipments by one week. Still plenty of snow in my ground and was gonna have most shipped on April 18th. Probably a week too early.
I was in town today looking all over for a pickaroon. Eventually I was forced to look at Menards. No pickaroon there either, but they did have some trees out. I glanced at a few apple tags and the ones I saw were $40. Also checked out some of their conifers. 2 gallon conifers were $24.99. Most of them looked pretty ratty. The ones from NRCS look twice as good and only cost $15.

Thinking I need to delay some nursery shipments by one week. Still plenty of snow in my ground and was gonna have most shipped on April 18th. Probably a week too early.

This is a good one I have a couple of them and like them very well.
I was a pig in poop when I found out about the NYS nursery bareroot sale 5 years ago. How does other states offering pile up? Beside a small beach plum, wild grape, chestnut, and cherry My state didnt have anything fruit bearing like years past, crabapples, wild apple, asain plums.
Hello fellow NY'er :) I have ordered hundreds of trees and shrubs from there, small stock for the most part but very affordable.

Did you see they called what the NYSDEC normally labels Allegheny Chinquapin were labeled "Copper" Chinquapin this year? If you look in the description section it still gives the same Latin name Castanea pumila which is Allegheny Chinquapin. They offer these every 3 years or so and are always sold out early. I planted my first ones 4 years ago and had my first catkin last year which is encouraging for our climate and my crappy soil. I ordered 25 of them this year from the DEC Seedling Sale as well as 25 white pines for this springs plantings.
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