5 year old buck +
Sow seed into standing crop roll and spray. I will be doing soybeans in this exact same way sometime in the near future.
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That should work wellI have a half acre field in rye/winter vetch. It is growing really well. Almost to 25% flowering stage. I am wanting to roll with my cultipacker at 80% flowering stage and cast a lablab plus type mix into the mess. Do you think that will work? Should I broad cast the seed into the standing mess, roll and spray glypho at the same time?
Rolling will give you a more even seed coverage of thatch at also will get more of the weeds exposed for the herbicide.
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Legumes only need to be inoculated to take nitrogen out of the air and put it in the soil, the plants will grow fine regardless of inoculation or not.
I've found little good from rolling live plants as they tend to stand back up. I said role, not crimp... very different results between the two. I haven't used my roller in years but I found it only good at knocking down dead vegetation.
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A good rain (1-2 in) after seeding TnM makes me look like a genius.........
I plant most things TNM. If I waited until there was rain I may never get to plant. I broadcast, mow, and when it rains it rains. The seed is covered, protected, and in most cases a fall planting germinates just fine with morning dew. If I had very little thatch I would be more inclined to wait on rain but as of now I plant when I have time.