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test your antler scoring skill!


I have 3 deer I intend on getting officially scored on 3/14. I know many of you like to comment about how folks over estimate deer scores. I thought I would give everyone a chance to guess gross score of these 3 deer - before they are scored - I'll report official results once I have them. I suck at looking at antlers and estimating score. These are all deer you have all seen before - sorry no new antler porn. I'm just trying to have some fun whole we are cooped up indoors.

#1 - clean 8 point
clean 8 point.jpg

#2 - no brows!
deer 2 no brows.jpg

#3 - Nice mass!
deer 3 nice mass.jpg
Gross scores. Buck # 1 = 121
Buck # 2 = 146
Buck # 3 = 124

Nice deer!
Buck #1 = 125"
Buck #2 = 136"
Buck #3 = 128"

nice bucks-
115-120 for the smaller 2
135-140 for the bigger
# 1 117
# 2 139
# 3 125
121 140 121. Blue 42. Hut hut hut.
1- 116"
3- 122"
1 - 123"
2 - 138"
3 - 128"
There's 6. :p
I"m going a little lower than most. 100-112-110 Sorry
#1 - 117
#2 - 132
#3 - 126

That's assuming some gain based on mass.
I want an OFFICIAL score - not my opinion influenced score. I know far too many hunters that claim, "I measured it myself" - yep - that is what concerns me!

I will agree I could always use an extra few inches......and it can make it much more "meaningful" as well.........;)

But I'm not interested in any book - I don't think any of these will even be close (they are all shotgun harvests). I simply like having them scored so I know what is there. I currently know what roughly 100", 130" and 140" looks like (due to having other deer officially scored). I don't like using numbers that I can not support - and for some reason people always ask.

I will say it is interesting how you all are sort of saying the same thing. I have my own opinion, but mine isn't fair because I can actually see the deer and compare them to other known scores - so I will not add my thoughts.

I"m going a little lower than most. 100-112-110 Sorry
Buckly - nothing to be "sorry" about. It's your opinion - never apologize for your opinion.

There's 6. :p
Timber - you must be drinking again or been spending too much time looking at that dress!:D And yes I saw the "funny".
Here's my official field score "gross #'s" no clue on deductions. Deductions suck :D


I just do a quick addition of what I think antler points measure. On 8 pointers I add 90, on 10+ point animals I add 100. It gets you surprising close.
Not my method, it's an adaptation of how AlphaDoe explained her method to us a few years ago.
Nice deer j-bird
You will be closer by adding 80 and 90 to mainframe 8s and 10s. Try it on some racks, it works. Great way to field judge inside 60 seconds as well.

A simple field judging approach I use is to us 90 " as a base measurement, total the gross tine length on one side, multiply by 2 and add to the base 90" score.
You will be closer by adding 80 and 90 to mainframe 8s and 10s. Try it on some racks, it works. Great way to field judge inside 60 seconds as well.

What? Can you walk me thru this method - I'm not sure I follow. I have 2 deer I can apply this method to and see just how close it is. I have the score sheets - just not in front of me right now.

test subject #1 - mainframe 8 ( I do know the official score of this deer)
test 1.jpg

test subject #2 - mainframe 10 ( I also know the official score of this deer)
test 2.jpg