So whatya got planned for the weekend?



What are you doing this weekend?

I'll be heading to the cabin with the family and doing mostly "work".

Cut up trees I dropped on one of my plots a couple of weeks ago
Hopefully finish treestand work. Or at least get most of what is left
Check cameras
Broadcast oats and Berseem in the dead Brassicas from last fall.
Spray any weeds that have come up
Drink some beer.
Go get a driveway gate at Fleet Farm (they are on sale)
Start cutting up firewood to replenish what we burnt last year.
Unfortunately it won't be habitat work.:( But on an immensely brighter note, we are going to Oshkosh to pick up the grandbabies for the week!. Babies, brats, beer, and hopefully good weather to pull it all off.
Im going to be building a new box stand. I am going to build it at my house, and then go put it up in a couple weeks.

Might get the smoker going maybe on Monday.
Saturday at the farm planting a couple acres of soybeans and a 1/2 acre of long maturity brassicas. Sunday and Monday with the family at the lake fishing, eating and having a beverage.
Work on Saturday.

Maybe finish planting the garden, church, and mow grass for the rest of the weekend.

I hope the mechanic finishes my boat soon.

Going to hang out with family and friends at my parents farm just 5 miles from mine. I may go water some trees at my place but plan to do more family stuff. Prolly shoot some guns too. I got a new Ruger American in 17hmr topped with a vortex 3-9 that I need to get sighted in. Hope I have time for that
I will be attempting my first try at sweet corn. My two little helpers will making the process much longer than needed. We will be having a 48 hour camp fire and both sets of grandparents will be there. Lots of good eats, drinks, and the weather looks fabulous.
Try to get some egyptian wheat planted and get some spraying done, probably get a round of golf in somewhere too.
Have a good and safe weekend everyone!'s been busy! Got my sugar beets planted today....and most of my boat stuff is ready for action. Family coming on a little, go fishing, and hang loose. :D Life is good..."and busy.

just went for a cruise in my boat.....likely the best day of the year today......absolutely beautiful. :)
My gram's 90th birthday party is on Saturday. Going to burn a brush pile in the middle of my first ever future food plot on Sunday. Go visit my grandfather's grave on Monday…he was a WWII vet.
Leave Saturday morning for a week long fishing trip to Northern Wisconsin. Food Plot planting can wait until I get back.
I'm going to seed in a couple of food plots (brassicas and clover), do some fishing, then head back home to AZ on sunday.
heading to the farm saturday. cutting in a new 30 tree orchard. Lots of roundup spraying planned. and planting one of my fall plots with rye and radishes. with the past few dry summers I'm changing it up and doing one plot real early. I'll do another one early July.
Three hour drive up to the property Friday evening. Get settled in and make sure the boat batteries are charged up. Launch in the WI River early Saturday morning and fight the current from the floodgates being open while trying to put some fish in the boat, white bass run is on! Hope to spend the afternoon cleaning fish, drinking beer, barbecuing, and checking trail cams. Campfire with the family to cap the night off. Sunday morning maybe fish some more depending on how Saturday went. Otherwise a 50 mile atv ride might be in the cards. Fertilize the pear trees. Transplant some red raspberries from the garden at home. Plot work will probably be put off for a couple more weeks. Monday, whatever odd jobs I haven't completed yet or fishing if I feel like it :D.
Having our new (to us) 5th wheel camper delivered to the farm Saturday morning - finally going to have air conditioning on the farm...:)!!!
I've got four dolgos from oikos that i need to get planted, then its 100% mushroom hunting.
I got all my field prep done tonight so I will be planting corn and soybeans this weekend. Felt good to be on the tractor again. Hopefully will also spend a night in the camper and maybe get some fishing in.
I'm going to do some work on the house and relax a bit. :)
Fruit tree spraying, field and plot mowing, going to mow the rye around the newly planted spruce trees with a riding mower (versus bush hog), road maintenance, kudzu watch/spraying/killing, new stand access trail creation, 3 chestnuts to plant, 2 bur oaks to plant, roundup some poison ivy, possibly plant an EW screen (if I can find the seed locally) and hopefully relax some.
What is the relaxing you guys speak of? ;)