Sheep hunt?

That NM Ibex tag is worse draw odds than some bighorn tags with a rifle. 1-3% draw odds DIY with a bow, and up to 11% draw odds guided with a bow. Archery hunts success rates look abysmal if the gohunt stats are right. 4 out of 200 hunters successful in '21, 3 out of 200 hunters in '22!

This made me look at ID again. Looks like a number of units bounce around 2% draw odds for bighorns there and they aren't easy hunts but harvest success is pretty high.
That NM Ibex tag is worse draw odds than some bighorn tags with a rifle. 1-3% draw odds DIY with a bow, and up to 11% draw odds guided with a bow. Archery hunts success rates look abysmal if the gohunt stats are right. 4 out of 200 hunters successful in '21, 3 out of 200 hunters in '22!

This made me look at ID again. Looks like a number of units bounce around 2% draw odds for bighorns there and they aren't easy hunts but harvest success is pretty high.
Wind Gypsy, it sounds like you've done quite a bit of hunting for some of these elusive critters and tags. I'd like to see some pics (just to live vicariously through you). Mind posting a bunch of your hunts and kills? I think that would be cool to see what you've been able to experience. Same goes for anyone else who's been able to make a hunt like this happen...
I haven't done a ton, 1 AK sheep hunt (with griz and wolves thrown in), maybe 10 elk hunts and a little mule deer hunting. I just spent to much time in the past researching and discussing with those that really know kind of like I have been doing here with my new habitat obsession..

The "hunt quietly" movement has made me question why and how I hunt and I try to avoid posting grip n grins on the internet anymore.
I'm hoping my habitat obsession leads to my bagging a monster booner where the grip n grin will be seen far n wide. It'll probably involve a tailgate and a can of bad beer also. Thought that was timeless. Of course I do that with most the does I shoot too. :)
Did you get one? Anyone here ever killed a moose?
I killed a bull moose in Minnesota when I was in college in 2001. It was the best $250 public land hunt I've ever been on!
Tree spud who did you go with? I have shot 2 shiras,1 in CO and 1 in WY.Now with tag cuts my wife is dropping out of WY with 19 points
I haven't been following the Wyoming tag situation recently, but I keep buying preference points. I think I'm around 20 points, but with the point creep it never seems like I get any closer to getting a tag.
I haven't been following the Wyoming tag situation recently, but I keep buying preference points. I think I'm around 20 points, but with the point creep it never seems like I get any closer to getting a tag.

They reduced the % of the moose/sheep/goat/(maybe?) bison tags allocated to NR significantly which made point creep that much worse.
I haven't done a ton, 1 AK sheep hunt (with griz and wolves thrown in), maybe 10 elk hunts and a little mule deer hunting. I just spent to much time in the past researching and discussing with those that really know kind of like I have been doing here with my new habitat obsession..

The "hunt quietly" movement has made me question why and how I hunt and I try to avoid posting grip n grins on the internet anymore.
Matt Rinella for President…

Though I’ve been saying the same things as him for years!
Just seeing this thread. Not sure when it was posted but got me excited reflecting on sheep hunting experiences from the past. Unfortunately cant help much with when/how/where to chase big horn as I've been out of sheep hunting for a while but budget and sheep hunting are never seen in the same sentence. That said there are some really cool exotic hunts in Tx. that can be quite challenging, affordable and .. well ..exotic.Many Cool animals there. My sheep experience has been in Ak, Northwest territory, British Columbia and Mongolia.Couple Dalls, a stone and a high Atai Argali. Had signed up for Marco Polo but Bush decide to invade the neighborhood and I didn't particularly want to get caught in a war.

The Mongolian High Altai Argali and Ibex hunt had all the adventure , and craziness one might expect in a hunt like that with stories to long to tell. Nomadic country between Mongolia and China with no real border. Tragic accident in uncharted mountains.Destroyed vehicles. Witch doctors. Shaman guides using stones to decide strategy. Living in yurts. Did someone mention Russian helicopters? Thank God for vodka!! And the list goes on. But every sheep hunt I've ever been on was lifetime memories.Good luck. Hope you find something you love.
Those argali and Ibex trips in the 'stans always sounded epic. Between Russia issues, shady outfitter issues, and bunny hugger fed issues preventing people from getting their trophies home - they have lost a lot of luster!
This is a little bit off topic - but I would advise anyone who had a desire to hunt some other country - maybe even in US - do it sooner rather than later. A lot of politics and “wokeness” now determining hunting conditions near and far. Never know when something “out of the blue” - that has nothing to do with the health of a specie’s population - shuts it down. Case in point - a few years back I was accompanying someone on an elephant hunt in Zimbabwe. Hunt was booked. Three month before the date of the hunt - the US decides to ban importing of all elephant parts - because they (the US) wanted an updated elepant inventory. All of a sudden, no elephant hunter who had already booked in Zimbabwe could bring any parts of an elephant into the US.

Know that Zimbabwe has an estimated population of 110,000/120,000 elephants with an estimated carrying capacity of 70,000. Elephants are so numerous in some areas there they are changing the ecotype of the forests where they live because of damage from overeating. The population is increasing at 6% a year. Zim is considering culling 10,000 elephants a year to save the habitat - and yet they only issue 500 elephants hunting permits per year because of low demand. Botswana is in the same shape. A couple other countries are approaching the same. Yet most folks are led to believe elephants are nearing extinction.

This is just one example - point being - no one knows what the future will bring - but it is pretty safe to predict the world will not become a more hunter friendly environment. If you have ever had the thought to hunt something out of the ordinary - make plans to go sooner rather than later.
Guess you could hunt tar isn't that in New Zealand