You plots look great.
Thanks guys! Didn't know how things were going to turn out because it had been a pretty dry summer but we've had some timely rains lately.Good work Scott. Everything's looking real good. Deer ought to like it all.
No packing yet, leaving next Tues morning and start hunting Thurs. Looking forward for some time off and early hunting.Looking good Scott. How's the Colorado packing going?
Since I planted these cereal grains we've had over 3" on rain, they are doing really good.That is some fine looking plotting, and the blind looks great too.
The grains I planted recently look at about the same stage as yours in the pictures. We are needing a good drenching rain here for them to really take off.
I hope so :)That's going to be lush green when you get back.
Thanks! Yes I disked up this area braodcast the rye. oats. peas and sunflowers disked them in cultipacked broadcast red clover, ladino clover, alfalfa, hairy vetch and radishes and cultipacked again.As usual your plots look great. Did you work up the strip by the sorghum? Good Luck and enjoy your Colorado hunt,
It looks like you have a bumper crop of future deer this year!