It's cool to plant things for wildlife and then see the plan come together with deer & other critters using what you've planted. Nice work Scott. Thanks for sharing pix.
You have things looking so great - as always. Looks like the deer are taking note of that fact too. No telling how many deer you will see per set hunting this year.
Got out and planted some trees today, I order 15 Bur gambel oaks to fill in some tubes that I lost trees in. Earlier this spring /summer i ordered some bur oaks and ninebark but the rains quit so I just potted them and planted them today. I mostly planted them around my throw and mow plot. I also planted 25 red cedars so I ended up planting 50 trees today.
Bur gambel from the U of Idaho
I filled in some tubes that I lost the trees in.
This Chinkapin really took off this year, it was planted last year as a seedling.
Make sure you plant what you think did, these were supposed to be hazelnuts but I must have grabbed willows instead. I thought those hazelnuts were really taken off then I looked in the tubes, lol
I tried to ring my plots with the sorghum mix, it did well except for this one area probably because of compaction from years of driving here.
Sorghum is looking good, the brassicas I added to the mix are doing good.
Pic of all the plots cereal grains in front, brassicas, alfalfa strip and sorghum, thurs they were taking the beans off and I think this is what they are looking at.
I think they are starting to chase a little, this doe went through and a buck went through 4 min later.