Good point kabic, that argument would be pretty indefensible here in WI.Do you Minnesota guys have to sign your license? In Wisconsin we do. Trying to understand the i didnt know my relative bought me a license defense.
Those same people will continue to cheat no matter how the laws are changed .
Yes, your tax dollars would buy him new prosthetic limbs because he wasnt read his Miranda Rights properly.
No question....I believe outlawing it completely will drastically decrease the illegal side of the equation
Maybe there are two discussions going on here as I believe that the great majority of people that break the license laws do so knowingly and willfully , I don't think its a secret what legal party hunting is . Now if the party hunting law was changed I still think the great majority of current violators would still break the laws, Its greed plain and simple that goes back generations , most unlicensed violators know full well what is legal and don't care .I believe most people who cross tag illegally do so thinking they are legal. They think party hunting means just giving someone your tag. It's an education/legislation issue. I believe outlawing it completely will drastically decrease the illegal side of the equation
Probably. Many licensed violators do NOT know full well what is legal...and that is likely due to a culture here of filling every tag at all costs. Party hunting/crosstagging just fuels that culture
Or they don't even bother with tags ,, been going on forever and will not stop , I heard once don't know for fact that illegal-tag issues equal one third of the legal reported harvest, in other words a full 30 percent of harvest has a legal issue of some sort if facts were or could be sorted out .I can tell you for a fact that most landowners believe its their right to take as many deer as they want. They pay big property taxes on the land, why not! That is why when the DNR cut most down to one deer, the wifes all got tags.