not party hunting ... poacher caught

It was asked early in the thread, would getting rid of party hunting make the CO's job easier?

I don't think it would. It's got to be easier to find guilt when you have 2 parties commit a crime. One person doing a crime and there is no worry about having the stories match-up. One of the main components of SSS is to not say anything to anyone, and that is necessary with illegal tag borrowing. Get rid of party hunting and there would certainly be less flaunting of poaching multiple deer, but I don't believe it would make the CO's job easier. They still have to put in hours no matter what, and having cases with multiple people to question has got to be easier than just a lone criminal.

*I am not a CO or law of any kind, nor do I have a crystal ball. Just my give-it-a-day-to-think-about-it opinion.
Why not place the tip now?

It could get him on the radar at least.
I guess I am trying to be neighborly. I mentioned I would turn him in to his family if it continues to happen. I am hoping he chooses the high road. We will find out this fall.
I guess I am trying to be neighborly. I mentioned I would turn him in to his family if it continues to happen. I am hoping he chooses the high road. We will find out this fall.
There comes a point when being neighborly = being a pushover, only you can decide where to draw that line. Explain again what turning him in to his "family" will accomplish? Are they CO's or will they just be super PO'd that he is breaking the law on their property and boot him off? What if they know already and don't care?
I simply wanted it to get back to him that we were unhappy with what he did last year and that if it continues we will draw the line and call the CO. He owns the land and has been a good neighbor.
Ah, I misunderstood when you said you mentioned you would turn him in to his family, like not "turn him in to them", but you mentioned to his family that you would turn him in to a CO. Gotcha, that makes way more sense and hopefully he will use better judgment. Chances are though, he will keep it up and just do a better job of not letting you find out.:(:mad:
It was asked early in the thread, would getting rid of party hunting make the CO's job easier?

I don't think it would. It's got to be easier to find guilt when you have 2 parties commit a crime. One person doing a crime and there is no worry about having the stories match-up. One of the main components of SSS is to not say anything to anyone, and that is necessary with illegal tag borrowing. Get rid of party hunting and there would certainly be less flaunting of poaching multiple deer, but I don't believe it would make the CO's job easier. They still have to put in hours no matter what, and having cases with multiple people to question has got to be easier than just a lone criminal.

*I am not a CO or law of any kind, nor do I have a crystal ball. Just my give-it-a-day-to-think-about-it opinion.

Illegal tag borrowing is claimed by many CO's as the number 1 offense, and its use is growing. Eliminate party hunting and you lessen the frequency. For certain.

DNR documents claim party hunting is a tool for reducing herds. Where in the state is that needed right now?
Possible legislation we can help craft for next year? Any one caught using someone else's tags and anyone giving tags to an offender are both held liable for the offence?
Possible legislation we can help craft for next year? Any one caught using someone else's tags and anyone giving tags to an offender are both held liable for the offence?

No brainer.
Possible legislation we can help craft for next year? Any one caught using someone else's tags and anyone giving tags to an offender are both held liable for the offence?

No Hunt for 3 years!
I would think anyone caught with a tag who does not hunt can't buy a license unless they complete a 40 hour classroom deal.
Possible legislation we can help craft for next year? Any one caught using someone else's tags and anyone giving tags to an offender are both held liable for the offence?

Art may even back that change?
Possible legislation we can help craft for next year? Any one caught using someone else's tags and anyone giving tags to an offender are both held liable for the offence?
Is it illegal for both parties at present?
Other part of the question is, I just bought licenses for all 4 members of our family. They were not even present. Perhaps licenses are purchased and the person whose name is on the license does not even know it?

All 4 members of my family hunt, so please do not jump on me for party hunting.
It is hard to get 4 people with 6 different jobs together to purchase licenses and to get the purchase done correctly. I purchased a youth firearm license for my youngest daughter and was getting ready to pay the total bill and noticed it was a small game license instead. My daughter never would have noticed it.
How about this instead of just hunting make it any one hunting or fishing without proper license cannot hunt or fish in Minnesota for three years , because if you backslide on any license restrict all outdoor pursuits . No need to single out deer hunting as special much easier to pass law that is uniform across all outdoor activities because if you can justify breaking fishing law im sure your morals are pretty clear as to the respect you have for all game laws. Just saying they are all cut from the same mold

40 hour class room would take some revenue how about 8 hr class room and a public apology thru outdoor news about how the offender attempted to cheat the system
Sentence them to purchasing and planting 10 flats of dogwood and spruce on a wma. They stay on probation until it is certain there is 90% survival rate.
The only issue is that now with multitudes of people buying there licenses online it kind of makes it a mute point. Many buy their tags at the same time and put the charges all on one credit card.
Is the issue really about the tag being bought and who bought it , or is the issue how the tag is used in the field . No license do not go afield pretty simple really fishing or hunting if you don't have license then you are intentionally breaking laws that the rest follow .
Well pretty plain and simple if you go afield and do not purchase your hunting - fishing licenses you are a poacher, if you purchase extra for family and friends with the intent and carry out unlawfull hunting-fishing then you are a poacher , Don't advocate new laws , rules to restrict lawful hunting - fishing for the people that follow the law now , you can not legislate morality you either have it or you don't . So called sportsman that break those tagging -fishing license laws are poachers and no amount of new regulation will change that . What it comes down to is those that choose to break the laws will . Always been that way always will be
you can not legislate morality you either have it or you don't . So called sportsman that break those tagging -fishing license laws are poachers and no amount of new regulation will change that . What it comes down to is those that choose to break the laws will . Always been that way always will be

Whitetail were almost gone. Elk. Turkey. Only regulation brought them back. Legislation creates lines between right and wrong, and becomes 'morality'.
If you are currently following laws as written you could not now fill all the family members tags so new regulation , legislation will not stop the practice , The current set of laws are not being followed now in the examples given . Party hunting requires all participants to be afield as a party . In fact eliminating party hunting will not even slow the practice of illegal cross tagging as all people that are doing it now ,, Know the law as it stands now . It all comes down to do you fallow the laws as written buy your license and use as intended or not
Hunter satisfaction with deer seen on stand is under 20% in huge areas of the state. If we plan to manage for uber low numbers there is zero reason to have population control tagging regs on the books.

Shoot your own deer and nobody elses.