No turnip bulbs

  • Thread starter Thread starter BJE80
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A recent look at my plots showed some nice turnip bulbs......and the radishes were finally poking thru too. The bulbs really put on size in the past two weeks or so. Better than I expected. Deer have started to much 'em too. :)
A recent look at my plots showed some nice turnip bulbs......and the radishes were finally poking thru too. The bulbs really put on size in the past two weeks or so. Better than I expected. Deer have started to much em too. :)
I have not been up there for two weeks so I hope this happened to me as well.

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Lots of both top and bulb growth here the last few weeks also. I think by your place BJE they've had some hard freezes the last couple of nights? We've had frost here, but I don't think the temps were enough to stop brassica growth.
Yes. Tuesday night was our first frost.

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Forgot that I snapped a pic.


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Things are looking up. Not a lot like this but at least some.


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