Native Hunter Apples 2023

I have what was sold to me as an Old Fashioned Winesap at the farm that has been a really good tree. I normally leave all of these apples for the deer, but this year they looked so good I brought home a few gallons. I will turn these into chips.

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Is everyone having a good year for apples, crabs & pears?? Guys who live near our camp say the crop is really good this year. Last year - late frost put the clinkers to 'em.
Is everyone having a good year for apples, crabs & pears?? Guys who live near our camp say the crop is really good this year. Last year - late frost put the clinkers to 'em.
We are having a great year in my area!
We are having a great year in my area!
Excellent year for fruit and acorns so far anyway only ever about two weeks away from a drought that can cause fruit or acorn losses.
Is everyone having a good year for apples, crabs & pears?? Guys who live near our camp say the crop is really good this year. Last year - late frost put the clinkers to 'em.
My remaining old trees all put on fruit this year. I pruned 2 very hard like a dozen to 15 screwdriver handle sized whips n competing leaders ontop of the usual prune. 2 trees are half young and half close to death branches. The close to death ones have apples and newer shoots are bare.
Last year I set a waist high Atago Pear tree and was surprised this spring to see that it had set fruit. I pulled all off except 2 pears, which grew well. Today they looked ripe so I tried one. The taste and crispiness blew me away. And when have you seen any fruit look so good without spraying.....

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^ ^ ^ ^ WOW. Spotless!! Never heard of Atago pear. How's the tree itself for any disease problems?
Great fruit year for me probably best in 10 years, red oak acorns also plentiful but small percentage of white oak trees with acorns.
^ ^ ^ ^ WOW. Spotless!! Never heard of Atago pear. How's the tree itself for any disease problems?

It's too early for me personally to say for certain about disease because mine was just planted last year. However, it has a good reputation, and I expect it to be just fine. I saw no FB this year on the tree, and the leaves are spotless. This pear reminds me of Olympic Giant, but they say that Atago fruit will get even bigger.
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Asian pears are cool! Our family loves the taste of them, it's definitely worth putting a few in to try.
This pear is Moonglow. You can see the red blush starting to form on the fruit exposed to the sun. This blush increases as they ripen. The fruit would remind you of Kieffer and the drop time is close to Kieffer but a bit earlier. DR is bulletproof.


Moonglo covered up with fireblight this year. Going to replace with something else this winter
We're having a really good fruit and red oak crop this year. Haven't checked the whites and swo's yet.

What are you guys doing with all of your "home" apples for storage and/or processing?
Just got through picking up a whole gallon of chestnuts below a medium sized early dropping tree. A tree 25 feet away the same size is loaded but hasn’t dropped a single nut yet.

Just a few minutes later, another quick gallon under a different tree. Dangerous to stand under this tree. That’s all I need. The deer can have the rest.
Native -

What variety of chestnut trees are those? We have 4 Chinese chestnuts and about a dozen Dunstans planted at camp. Some of the Dunstans have already pooped out. Our Chinese chestnuts look good and are growing more each year. No nuts yet.
Native -

What variety of chestnut trees are those? We have 4 Chinese chestnuts and about a dozen Dunstans planted at camp. Some of the Dunstans have already pooped out. Our Chinese chestnuts look good and are growing more each year. No nuts yet.
Bows, the ones in the photos are Chinese. That’s what most of mine are, but I also have a few Dunstans. I have only one grafted tree, which is called Eaton River

I have several trees a lot bigger than the ones above. I’m starting to get a significant amount of nuts. The tree shown below is one of the larger ones.
