2025 pruning question

IF it doesn't take, you can have a plan B. Buy some rootmaker pots and some rootstock. You cn also ask for smaller grafted trees if oyu have an order in. If the tree has another year of bad growth, dig up that tree late summer early fall and put your grafted tree in there.

Turning point is well known on this site. Never heard it being suspectible to fireblight. Although young trees that get hit with it hit shoots around the grafting union.

I am assuming those 2 shoots are above the grafting union. Bumpy wider joint where the rootstock meets the graft. Looks like the graft union / collar is just poking out of the snow. Some trees have graft union a few inches higher. Don't look like yours. Some trees grow shoots hard out the rootstock because the graft union isn't healthy. Sometimes I think some trees get transplant shock. Removed earlier, in a corner of cold storage where it didn't stay as moist, etc.

I use these guys. I buy both 3 and 5 gallon. Put bigger rootstocks or the smaller bareroot trees in the 5 gallon. Average rootstock is happy in the 3 gallon ones. I have successfully transplanted trees 4th of july weekend at camp and they lived. A little bit before labor day is perfect. If a spring transplant dies, the new tree gets the roots going good in the fall and early spring of the next year. Fall is better than spring for transplanting, late summer is even better. Also I frooze a tree or two and they lived the next year. Saw it had a rough 1st year in the groun, but nothing horrible.

When you prune, keep a few pieces in the fridge incase you change your mind.