Missouri Land Buying!

Those numbers mean nothing because they are not area specific from what I can tell.

Right.....just a guide to overall results from those areas. Nothing is cast in stone. ;)
Right.....just a guide to overall results from those areas. Nothing is cast in stone. ;)

Tough to compare $700 rec land down south to $2500 rec land up north. To me anyways.
Biggest fear I have is buying a piece in a crap neighborhood. Once bitten, twice shy. My 240 closes mid December and then the hunt gets more serious.

Brooks -

It will cost more per acre, but if you want to buy good land in MN I'd look at SE MN. My land in northern WI looks pretty similar to the land you are selling/just sold. Awesome habitat, but predators take out a pile of fawns and the deer numbers are much lower than 5 years ago. We still shoot an old buck off my 117 acres up there ever other year or so, but it could be much, much better if the deer numbers improved. On the other hand, my dad and I have killed 3 mature bucks in 2 years on my 40 acres in SE MN.
It might be a result of my Mn. hunting experiences and some limited time out west, but...

I'm beginning to wonder if we can expect stable deer numbers anywhere in the US.

Do you feel confident in your DNR's game management in other states and that it will remain stable?
Will wolves, CWD,coyotes, other management change everything?
I am confident in the MDC at least trying to keep in tune with the hunters of the state of Missouri. Far cry from the MN DNR!
DNRs and their equivalents in southern states apparently view differently than northern states from what I can tell.

Much differently!
I have heard wind of a 'Great Lakes Conference' many states DNR attend. The great lakes area herds have been hammered.
Heard a rumor that some in the DNR are blaming the herd reduction on the effectiveness of certain ground blinds. ;)
I have heard wind of a 'Great Lakes Conference' many states DNR attend. The great lakes area herds have been hammered.
Maybe you heard it at the same meeting I was at. Supposedly a few years ago and some consensus/discussions of deer number reductions.
I have been meaning to ask if anyone was familiar with the Cape Girardeau area, as I had visited there not too long ago. Nice area, friendly folks and lots of pretty ladies as well,;) at least during the limited time I visited the area.

I live about 25 miles north along the river.

The hunting is pretty good. Living here since birth, sometimes I forget how good I have it.
No affiliation. I got an aerial pic from him last Dec. don't know what I did with it, and I don't remember the farm. It wasn't a unicorn farm or I would have bought it.

Price is worth investigating. If you want MO land.
