WI gun deer season proposal to 19 days.

That is nuts. I find it hard to believe the herd numbers are as they say they are and the harvest plummeted that much. I think its just the seemingly nationwide push for lower numbers of deer leading to ideas like this.
Like a lot of things in life, the more humans mess with it the more FUBAR it gets....
After 44 years of deer hunting I kinda like the reboot idea. 1 bow season Sept to Nov. 1 9 day gun season. Hunters with tags in hand will get it done.
If you look at the states with the best hunting, the gun season is after the rut has ended. Having a 9 day season is reasonable and the timing of the gun season compared to the rut in Wisconsin is not bad. If they mess with it, and move it up, it will have negative results (for mature bucks). If you want to see small 1.5-2.5 year olds, then it won't matter much.
The WI DNR is asking public input on adding another 10 days to the regular gun season.
Actually it is the "Natural Resources Board" that is asking this public opinion question, not the DNR. The NRB is a 7 member, governor appointed board of public business people, they are not DNR employees. (5 of the current members are Walker appointees)

Could it be the DNR deer numbers are way off,and maybe we need to cut down on the all the special seasons/tags instead of adding a even longer gun season?
The special seasons, tags, extended bow seasons are requested by the local County Deer Advisory Committees made up of citizens from each county. The DNR does not get to vote on the local CDACs. Once the NRB approves the local CDAC recommendations ... the DNR is forced to implement them for the upcoming season. This is the system setup up by the Republican majority in the early governor Walker years. Can't blame the DNR when this is what Wisconsin voted for.
I'm glad they are asking for public input. More power to them. I've been around a while. History of the past provides a great lens through which to view the present.

Years ago, we also had a purported deer overpopulation crisis. The next three years of Wisconsin DNR deer harvest summaries said:
- The deer harvest was disappointing the first year because the temperatures were too low for hunters to brave the cold.
- The deer harvest was disappointing the second year because the temperatures were too warm for the deer to move.
- The deer harvest was disappointing the third year because the Packers played the Vikings on Sunday afternoon of opening weekend.
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I'm glad they are asking for public input. More power to them. I've been around a while. History of the past provides a great lens through which to view the present.

Years ago, we also had a purported deer overpopulation crisis. The next three years of Wisconsin DNR harvest summaries said:
- The deer harvest was disappointing the first year because the temperatures were too low for hunters to brave the cold.
- The deer harvest was disappointing the second year because the temperatures were too warm for the deer to move.
- The deer harvest was disappointing the third year because the Packers played the Vikings on Sunday afternoon of opening weekend.
I always go out and hunt when the packers are playing. Get the whole dang county to myself.
I once had to drive to a mall in Green Bay during a Packer game to buy advance purchase ski hill lift tickets for a hill in the U.P. All the shops in the mall were empty (including the staff). I had to walk down to the bar at the end of the hall to find someone to come back to their workstation at halftime to sell me the ski lift tickets.

I probably shouldn't say this, but this is the way things used to be. All the shop doors were open while the shops were unattended. That was Green Bay though back in the day. No security and no worries.