Miscanthus Giaganteus propagation from cuttings.

Took little man to umn arboretum today, they have a nice gm stand

Found a nice video from a rhizome seller as well, shows what a good stand can look like.

Took little man to umn arboretum today, they have a nice gm stand

Found a nice video from a rhizome seller as well, shows what a good stand can look like.
Cool pic with the little man, Maple River Farms is where I get my MG, good people.
When is prime time to get cutting?
When is prime time to get cutting?
I would think anytime now, last year I took some around the first week of July and a second batch a little later in July.
I would think anytime now, last year I took some around the first week of July and a second batch a little later in July.

Yep, what he said.

Start them and in a jar of water it works better.
Cool pic with the little man, Maple River Farms is where I get my MG, good people.
Same here and I agree, Don at MRF is a good guy to deal with. They are only about 12 miles from home which makes it even better!
Apparently not cold enough to kill all of my MG rhizomes...just found some growth from my 4th year transplanted "clumps" of rhizomes.
Hopefully they grow for you and you have a cold hearty clump.
Year two and it bounced back from the crop oil. I've got some holes to fill but it's looking good.




Three year old (except the ends) single row.

Looking really nice!
Looking good!
Thanks. I' can't wait to see it next summer.
These pics are from a week ago Sat. when I put in my cereal grain plots, still has some filling in to do but it's coming along.

Looking good Scott! Mine are getting better too. I have to divide some next year to fill in a few gaps but they've done well considering I've neglected them since I planted them.
These pics are from a week ago Sat. when I put in my cereal grain plots, still has some filling in to do but it's coming along.

Looking good, Scott! I took some pics this weekend too, will update on my thread.
Looks like next year is year 3 for all of us. Hopefully we'll be posting walls by then. Some of my 6 plus year olds are 5-6 foot in diameter. These screens only have one way to go. Unless like me, you do everything possible to kill them.
Thought you might enjoy viewing some mature plants. First photo shows Miscanthus Gracillimus that makes a decent screen although not as dense as MG; you can often find Misc. Grac on sale as field clumps for 2/3 bucks. Second photo shows 3 Mis Gigan plants that provide almost 14' of screen. 3rd photo shows 5 misc gigan plants that make over 25' of screen. The photos you have posted show fairly dense planting; you will be able to eventually transplant every other plant as field clumps (break each plant into 3-4 clumps. Last photo exhibits a misc gigan field clump that was planted in July. One additional tip for those planting double rows; if/when you cut back your plants in the spring, place the cuttings between the rowMisc Gracillimus 8 - 27 2015.JPG Misc Gia 8=2015.JPG Misc Gigan clump 8 - 27 - 2015.JPG s as mulch ... it works very well.
Here are 7 1-yr old porcupine and gracillimus miscanthus plants that will provide a screen between a Norway Spruce and a 59" 1-yr old direct seeded Dunstan chestnut tree60 in Ches Nut with 7 miscan.JPG

A couple of them are a little ragged because some cattle got out of an adjoining pasture and walked/stomped on a couple of them; however, once established, they are very hearty and drought resistant.
A pic of my MG in the back, not quite as thick as I thought it would be this year but maybe next year. Date and time are wrong this was last week.

Just looking with a cell phone but the stuff on the right looks pretty thick.
I encourage you to mulch if you don't already do so .... it's my experience that miscanthus doesn't tolerate competition very well ... especially grass. You might try a strip of 4-5 plants and see what effects are achieved; a little test to determine if it is worth mulching. Good luck!