Masks vs viruses

Not that I want to play this game. But a doctor doing surgery with a mask on and the guy at the gas station filling up my truck are not the same. Doc scrubs his hands, has scrubs on, where’s gloves and is very conscious of germs and their travels.

The gas station guy, not so much. Very early on I had a guy filling my truck at the station. I’m masked, he’s makes, check. I give him my credit card. He puts it in the pump and pulls it out a bit and leaves it in the pump until The trucks full. I watch in the mirror and he’d goes to the back of the truck and drops his mask. No problem. But when it’s done he reaches his index finger and middle finger inside the mask to pull it up. Then proceeds to grab my card and hand it to me. Done just like a surgeon.

Masks work in the general population, no doubt. Particularly on grade school children who are as germ conscious as a surgeon.
No anger or aggressiveness here. If masks are to keep a patient from getting contaminated by the doctor (from the doctor's germs), how is it that a mask can't help protect other people from being contaminated by someone carrying Covid virus?? Protection / help doesn't only occur in one situation, right?? If a mask is an added protection - how is that a bad thing??

Another question ........ how many here think flu shots, tetanus shots, measles shots, polio vaccine, etc. are bogus, useless, and phony?? EVERY doctor around here says, "Get vaccinated" (Covid) & has gotten the shots themselves, and for their families. Neither my wife or I have heard of any doctors advising people to avoid the vaccine / boosters. What some other state does is for that state to sink or swim with.
If some here don't trust vaccines for anything ....... by all means skip them.

No anger, hate, or foaming at the mouth here. Perfectly calm & relaxed.

I haven't had the time to really read every word of this thread... but SERIOUSLY am asking, is ANYONE really scared of the current (for that matter recent) variant to begin with?

Outside of hospitals and nursing homes, only the whackiest of the far left are still wearing masks in my part of Florida for many months now and Tallahassee, where I work IN THE MEDICAL FIELD, is by and large liberal as most capital cities tend to be. It's gotten to the point here, that if I see someone wearing a mask barring them having some very serious disease leaving them severely immunosuppressed (cancer, etc) I assume they're far, FAR left and can't think for themselves.

So to answer your question quite directly, Bowsnbucks, of doctors in our area I'd say the majority ARE expressing hesitancy regarding the shots and especially boosters at this point as again almost everyone in our country has gained natural immunity superior to the shots (I won't call them vaccines as they never were truly sterilizing as originally advertised / aren't vaccines in any historical use of the word). The shots only expose cells to select portions of the virus, such as the spike protein whereas the actual disease exposes the body to the entire/complete components of the virus granting a more complete immunity. That said, neither natural immunity nor the shots are proving especially effective in protecting against the next round of genetic variants but at this point due to exposures to prior variants, natural immunity, and the virus itself mutating to less severe variants few people are actually dying directly from covid.

This brings me to at least two specific reasons doctors are increasingly hesitating to recommend the shots and boosters here (where they likely are in an environment they feel more comfortable speaking openly versus liberal draconian states) -- hard scientific data now exists showing that males under 30 suffer statistically higher rates of myocarditis from the shots than the actual disease. And in patients 60 and older, hard data exists now to show that stroke risks are statistically measurably higher. My wife herself, who has run over 50 marathons, eats like a rabbit, and has taken incredible care of herself throughout her life had a stroke scare last year and is only in her early 50s... and to your point about any doctors questioning the shots, the VERY FIRST QUESTION the ER doc, whom we know well, asked was if she had the two shots or boosters as he suspected them to be a key factor in her event -- we did both have the first two shots but once hard data showed the myocarditis and stroke increased risks opted not to have any boosters... that, and despite taking the shots we both had covid within a year, again speaking to how the offer no true traditional vaccine sterilizing immunity.

I don't expect too many folks to have / take the time to listen to Dr. John Campbell speak to Russell Brand over his path to questioning the vaccines, but it's a great listen that will prove educational on the commercialization that has become involved in the constant push for continued shots / boosters.

For the record, Dr. Campbell was actually VERY HEAVILY PRO-VACCINE during the first year and a half or so. As a British practitioner, his nearly daily postings regarding covid were never politicized but instead were extremely data-driven WITH THE PROMISE HE WOULD FOLLOW THE DATA. And that's precisely what he did, again on a near-daily basis. And his building cynicism towards the shots wasn't something evident like a light switch... but instead watching his daily shares you could see it ever so slowly develop as increasing amounts of data pointed to increased myocarditis risks, strokes, and other complications. For the record, not only did I get two shots much in part to his early support of the vaccines but I even helped sway several friends to get shots due to covid risk factors -- at the time I felt being over 50 the risks of covid outweighed risks of the shots. The discussion with Dr. Campbell provides a window into precisely how / why skepticism has grown among MANY doctors and scientists this past year as pharmaceutical greed has increasingly looked to be the driver behind pushing for more and more shots.

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Doctors and nurses wear masks during surgeries to prevent infections, that is because studies showed that it makes surgeries safer, not to prevent virus's my friend. Hospitals before Covid had all the staff walking around without masks you agree right?

The size of the average virus particle is much smaller than the pores in even respirators (as the original studies I posted say) and comparable to throwing a handful of gravel through a chain link fence.
I have to be certified for work in hazmat. I have had to take a 40hr class and at least a 8hr refresher class every year(25 years). Most of my training is dealing with chemicals, poisonous gas, and lack of oxygen. We have to learn what mask, canisters, suits, etc to wear and wear properly. Not wearing the right mask or not having it fit perfect in situations can lead to death. With that said my view on masks for covid and how people wear them is their useless. If I compare a covid mask and do a fit test like we have to do in hazmat in a life and death situation with our masks, every covid mask would fail at stopping covid viruses. Your gravel / chain link was brought up in a class. They described it to us as the virus is absolutely smaller than the holes in the mask,but the virus are in water droplets when you sneeze and the water droplets are larger than the holes in the mask. Idk, I guess that I believe that but also don't believe every single virus is in a water droplet also. With that said do I think they help? Possibly a little. Should we be forced to wear them for how ineffective they are. Absolutely not.
A follow-up to my last post questioning if anyone is really living in fear of the current variant... are any of y'all living in areas where masks are still dictated outside of hospitals or nursing homes?

If so, life in Florida is SOOOO much different it's almost impossible for me to comprehend the differences.

My daughter only did remote school in the spring of 2000, and then was fully back in the classroom from the fall of 2000 until now. Kids haven't had to wear masks in schools here for so long, I can't even remember when they dropped wearing them. I haven't had to wear a mask in ANY building / business for MORE than a year, and probably only wore one single digit times after getting the first two shots given early to medical staff at the end of 2020.

That's the one observation I've shared with out-of-state friends -- it's crazy to me just how different life has been for US citizens for going on 3 years now dependent on which state, and even county you reside.

Words won't do justice for the normality I believe Governor Desantis largely gave the bulk of our state since the outbreak began, and I'm NOT even a registered republican -- am an equal-opportunity skeptic regarding both political parties.

If the far-left fearmongers' concerns had proven true, Florida would be in this shape but blessedly we've again fared quite well! 😉😂

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Drs wear masks to basically keep from dripping body fluid,
What about sweat?? 3 to maybe 8 hours of surgery - I have to believe there'd be some sweating going on.
- at the time I felt being over 50 the risks of covid outweighed risks of the shots.
Precisely why I got the shots and so did my wife. I have some health concerns that my PCP and my cardiologist told me to get the shots. THEY got the shots themselves. Florida can do as it wants, but the numbers of cases / hospitalizations there were much higher than here. And I have no hostility toward anyone on here, as some clearly do. That's on them.

If so many here are against shots and masks - why was this thread even started?? Why bring it up at all??
Addendum to my last post praising Desantis for helping life be normal for Florida... mind shivers at how insanely different life would be for my family if Desantis had lost to this insane fool and it was scarily close at less than half a percent margin of victory.
Precisely why I got the shots and so did my wife. I have some health concerns that my PCP and my cardiologist told me to get the shots. THEY got the shots themselves. Florida can do as it wants, but the numbers of cases / hospitalizations there were much higher than here. And I have no hostility toward anyone on here, as some clearly do. That's on them.

If so many here are against shots and masks - why was this thread even started?? Why bring it up at all??

But Bowsnbucks, you didn't speak a lick to the data / information that changed AFTER the recommendation from your cardiologist who I'm sure was well intended, just as I was in recommending the shots to some of my friends based on limited knowledge AT THAT TIME... since then we've specifically earned about 1) the higher risk of myocarditis with the shot than actual covid, 2) the increased risk of stroke for those over age 60, and finally 3) the belief among many in the medical field that the shots would offer sterilizing immunity which not only proved completely false, but with shots offering less and less effect at all with each passing variation.

Again, not hiding that I got the shots too... but I absolutely wouldn't again today based on hindsight of the information that didn't exist (or at least wasn't publicly available) at that time.

If you aren't aware of the complications that increasingly are becoming known, I highly encourage you to investigate.... and don't have to look to right-wing sources, even CNN and MSNBC have started slow-leaking more information on these measured adverse effects as they've become forced to do so by the information becoming more widespread among the general population.

Don't have time at the moment, but will even present you direct links to direct data if that's what it takes for you to address the very legitimate factors we all should be using in our current equations on how to proceed.

P.S. -- I'm not especially concerned about the virus naturally mutating to more virulent strains going forward either, as entirely wiping off hosts tends to be disadvantageous to viruses / accordingly they tend to mutate to spread more easily but with less fatal outcomes as a means for survival themselves. -- precisely what the mutations have done thus far.

P.S.S. -- I'm MUCH more scared of men intentionally playing around with the virus to make it potentially far more fatal -- hubris beyond measure.
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Vaers has the COVID shot at the top of the list for complications. Nearly twice as many as EVERY other vax on the list for the last 30 years.
Full disclosure I did not look it up, came from a good source. I ain't got time for that! Lol
Geez -
Yesterday there was a scathing report about the state of patient care & health, and the cleanliness of a CORPORATE hospital chain in Florida. It was made by doctors who work in those hospitals - complete with pictures, medical records (including deaths from lack of registered nurse attention for over 12 hours on critical patients.) Those doctors had documented evidence of understaffing of shifts, pictures of backed-up, bloody-water sinks, filthy toilets, dead bugs, including cockroaches - and video of live cockroaches running around operating rooms and treatment rooms. There were also pictures of falling ceiling tiles, water-stained, moldy ceiling tiles, electrical and data outlets hanging out of the walls, contaminated bandages & instruments left lay on trays & carts.

When interviewed, a doctor told the news crew that he watched a cockroach crawl into & across a tray of instruments that is SUPPOSED to be sterile. The doctors said those hospitals are understaffed with registered nurses. Their report went on to say that the CORPORATION that owns the hospitals made over 16 BILLION in profits recently, and the "CEO" pocketed 78 million himself. This report was made on several news outlets - all on film. Seems patient care falls somewhere down the list of importance. When asked what they tell people thinking of being admitted to one of those hospitals, the doctors said, "Go somewhere else." The hospital chain refused an interview request by reporters. I wonder why.

After seeing this report last night on 3 different channels, I can see why masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, etc. are no big deal in Florida. Hard to mask a cockroach.

I know - I know ........... it's all fake, right?? All made up by SEVERAL media outlets. And for comparison to a "legitimate" news story - some right-wingers have concluded that the train derailment at the Ohio / Pa. border was an attack by Biden and the government against white people. YESSSIR. I guess we ought to flush the filthy hospitals story / pictures / documentation .... and swallow WHOLE the right-wing tale of the train wreck being caused by Biden and "the government" against white people. (I don't record the names of every pundit who makes statements publicly.) Gotta go make sure my blinds are pulled down tight to avoid the "Jewish space lasers", and hide the toddler nieces & nephews so they don't get eaten by those Democrats. A-Y-F-K-M??? Sniffing glue must be making a comeback.
Hmmm... Who put out the "report"? That type of environment wouldn't be fit for most barns.
What is the name of that hospital chain? That's a pretty important part of the story that was missing.
What is the name of that hospital chain? That's a pretty important part of the story that was missing.
I believe it's the TRUST ME BRO---PARTS AND STUFF.
Bowsnbucks, to one of your earlier comments -- not angry on your end, huh? Calm as a cucumber, huh? 😂

Not sure if you're trying to paint all of FL on the basis of one hospital but if so I'll just quit wasting my breath on this thread. But only after defending my wife and the many wonderful doctors that don't warrant what you've implied based on a single hospital.

Florida is a HUGE state with many hospitals and some are certainly higher esteemed than others. That shared there TONS of doctors in the state not working in hospital settings.

My wife is a perfect example. She was valedictorian of her large high school class. Then she was the valedictorian of her entire college class. Then she graduated as one of the top 2 members of her medical school class... may well have been the top in that class, but we don't know for sure as they recognized them both without clarifying which / if either scored higher. What I can share is she got accepted into one of the toughest fields to break into -- dermatology. If you have any doubts about the rigor of gaining acceptance into the field (versus say cardiology, surgery, etc), the reason it is so brutally competitive getting into is because they DON'T generally have to work in hospitals, and can make a decent living without dealing with round the clock emergencies. Females wanting to have decent family lives fight tooth and nail to gain entry.

Think I shared before she's scored in the 99.7% percentile among her peers during their last testing, so she's truly the best of the best.

And she's attached to NO CORPORATIONS / NOT EMPLOYED BY A FLORIDA HOSPITAL as badly as you might wish she were. To the contrary, she's entirely a self-made woman as much as could possibly be so.

She was adopted by a fairly poor family in South Carolina at birth, so started with absolutely zero advantages in life. Most driven person I ever met (and serving in the USMC AND manufacturing settings for almost 20 years Ive met many). Why I'm honestly thrilled she married me.

She was brave enough to hang up her own shingle in 2007, hiring only 3 employees to help her.

Since then she's grown to gainfully employ 20 people today and you're catching me on a day we're giving them as big of raises as we possibly can.

As for operating on the high road, she's so anal about charging and billing properly that versus simply trusting others to do it right for her, on top of everything else she's tackled as we've grown she invested weeks of additional time to study and become a certified biller so that she might know with certainty she is billing properly.

All that, and she invests much of her time training what we call "Clinical Hour Medical Assistants" to prepare for their own entry into the medical field. We have former employees now working as MDs and Physician Assistants not only across FL, but in GA, SC, TN, VA, PA, CO, and NV (and sure I'm leaving some out). Here's a recent picture of our staff, and though biased I'll say they're generally as happy as they look in the photo -- wife is bottom center. Dark-haired gal in the back sitting next to the lucky fella who recently worked with us are both attending Medical School in Europe this very moment.

Pamela S. Kennedy MD.jpg
Geez -
Yesterday there was a scathing report about the state of patient care & health, and the cleanliness of a CORPORATE hospital chain in Florida. It was made by doctors who work in those hospitals - complete with pictures, medical records (including deaths from lack of registered nurse attention for over 12 hours on critical patients.) Those doctors had documented evidence of understaffing of shifts, pictures of backed-up, bloody-water sinks, filthy toilets, dead bugs, including cockroaches - and video of live cockroaches running around operating rooms and treatment rooms. There were also pictures of falling ceiling tiles, water-stained, moldy ceiling tiles, electrical and data outlets hanging out of the walls, contaminated bandages & instruments left lay on trays & carts.

When interviewed, a doctor told the news crew that he watched a cockroach crawl into & across a tray of instruments that is SUPPOSED to be sterile. The doctors said those hospitals are understaffed with registered nurses. Their report went on to say that the CORPORATION that owns the hospitals made over 16 BILLION in profits recently, and the "CEO" pocketed 78 million himself. This report was made on several news outlets - all on film. Seems patient care falls somewhere down the list of importance. When asked what they tell people thinking of being admitted to one of those hospitals, the doctors said, "Go somewhere else." The hospital chain refused an interview request by reporters. I wonder why.

After seeing this report last night on 3 different channels, I can see why masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, etc. are no big deal in Florida. Hard to mask a cockroach.

I know - I know ........... it's all fake, right?? All made up by SEVERAL media outlets. And for comparison to a "legitimate" news story - some right-wingers have concluded that the train derailment at the Ohio / Pa. border was an attack by Biden and the government against white people. YESSSIR. I guess we ought to flush the filthy hospitals story / pictures / documentation .... and swallow WHOLE the right-wing tale of the train wreck being caused by Biden and "the government" against white people. (I don't record the names of every pundit who makes statements publicly.) Gotta go make sure my blinds are pulled down tight to avoid the "Jewish space lasers", and hide the toddler nieces & nephews so they don't get eaten by those Democrats. A-Y-F-K-M??? Sniffing glue must be making a comeback.
Someone woke up on the wrong side of the mask today
And on the whole corporate greed in medicine thing, if only y'all knew how much the pharmaceutical folks are changing things for the worse...

My wife primarily does full-body skin exams to find cancers early enough to prevent bad outcomes.

You would think as much as the government preaches about preventive medicine they would be increasing the payment to doctors for such care, but just this past year they DOWN-CODED payments for full body skin exams... that is UNLESS the doctors prescribe at least one drug, and then AND ONLY THEN they can upcode it / earn more!

Since Bowsnbucks seemed to try throwing shade on FL docs, guess what doc hasn't changed the way she practices and ISN'T needlessly giving her patient tylenol, pain pills, etc, just to inflate her billings... my wife, and we paid a true price in lowered reimbursements as a result. Wife has said she'll practice medicine as she morally sees fit in the best interest of the patient until she can't anymore and that's when she'll retire. Can't help but admire her for it.

Doubt me, research it.

On the pharmaceutical note, another thing I encourage any / all to verify... we've been suffering bloody hell the past three years trying to get enough lidocaine to numb patients before performing biopsies. We truly now have one nurse that spends the bulk of her time trying to get it and this year have had to resort to ordering dental tools AND even paying area dentists to share their own supply of lidocaine.

Why the shortage of lidocaine, y'all might ask... guess who's made it for a long time, with it being a moderately priced drug until covid hit... yep, Pfizer. But they're saying it's all our fault because of increased demand... despite three years of shortages as they shifted resources to the jabs... promise y'all, that's just 💩💩💩💩💩

Story is regarding lidocaine shortage for a NC hospital. but promise it's a nationwide problem and has been ever since Pfizer shifted their resources to massive jab production.
And on the whole corporate greed in medicine thing, if only y'all knew how much the pharmaceutical folks are changing things for the worse...

My wife primarily does full-body skin exams to find cancers early enough to prevent bad outcomes.

You would think as much as the government preaches about preventive medicine they would be increasing the payment to doctors for such care, but just this past year they DOWN-CODED payments for full body skin exams... that is UNLESS the doctors prescribe at least one drug, and then AND ONLY THEN they can upcode it / earn more!

Doubt me, research it.

On the pharmaceutical note, another thing I encourage any / all to verify... we've been suffering bloody hell the past three years trying to get enough lidocaine to numb patients before performing biopsies. We truly now have one nurse that spends the bulk of her time trying to get it and this year have had to resort to ordering dental tools AND even paying area dentists to share their own supply of lidocaine.

Why the shortage of lidocaine, y'all might ask... guess who's made it for a long time, with it being a moderately priced drug until covid hit... yep, Pfizer. But they're saying it's all our fault because of increased demand... despite three years of shortages as they shifted resources to the jabs... promise y'all, that's just 💩💩💩💩💩

Story is regarding lidocaine shortage for a NC hospital. but promise it's a nation wide problem and has been ever since Pfizer shifted their resources to massive jab production.
Funny what all that free government money and 0 risk will do.
By the way, back to question Bowsnbucks asked sharing that all physicians surely were backing the jabs, and my responding they absolutely aren't if free to say so... the wife and I were talking about the stances of her fellow MD classmates and ALL we could think / we've stayed in touch with have shared serious concerns over the shots, especially for boosters and with Bowsnbucks developing an aversion to FL MDs, these aren't FL MDs. One a pediatrician in TN, two family practitioners in SC, one is an emergency doc in NC, and an OBG doc friend in New Zealand.

Full disclosure, outside our close friend group we do know 2 vocally far-left docs in our own town vocally supportive of the jabs. But we know of many other area docs equally averse to now recommending shots due to the increasing data / news of serious adverse effects.

Also should make clear, almost all were in support of the shots when they were first rolled out, but hard data regarding decreasing efficacy / increasing adverse effects that they are actually seeing in person have swayed them to adjust their stance / pull their vocal recommendations on any additional shots due to the risk / benefit ratio changing so much each time more data is released.
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I seriously just want to hear Bowsnbucks speak to why he doesn't believe known higher rates of myocarditis and strokes warrants reconsideration at this point, especially the myocarditis when giving shots to young children (most prone to see the myocarditis effect) when they face so statistically little risk from covid itself.

Over and out for this FL guy, returning to enjoying life in relative freedom the rest of the day... and making folks happy giving them raises. 😊
There is a reason for the spike in athlete deaths in the past year. A drastic spike. Then there's the new one sudden adult death syndrome I believe they are calling it?