Bowsnbucks, to one of your earlier comments -- not angry on your end, huh? Calm as a cucumber, huh?
Not sure if you're trying to paint all of FL on the basis of one hospital but if so I'll just quit wasting my breath on this thread. But only after defending my wife and the many wonderful doctors that don't warrant what you've implied based on a single hospital.
Florida is a HUGE state with many hospitals and some are certainly higher esteemed than others. That shared there TONS of doctors in the state not working in hospital settings.
My wife is a perfect example. She was valedictorian of her large high school class. Then she was the valedictorian of her entire college class. Then she graduated as one of the top 2 members of her medical school class... may well have been the top in that class, but we don't know for sure as they recognized them both without clarifying which / if either scored higher. What I can share is she got accepted into one of the toughest fields to break into -- dermatology. If you have any doubts about the rigor of gaining acceptance into the field (versus say cardiology, surgery, etc), the reason it is so brutally competitive getting into is because they DON'T generally have to work in hospitals, and can make a decent living without dealing with round the clock emergencies. Females wanting to have decent family lives fight tooth and nail to gain entry.
Think I shared before she's scored in the 99.7% percentile among her peers during their last testing, so she's truly the best of the best.
And she's attached to NO CORPORATIONS / NOT EMPLOYED BY A FLORIDA HOSPITAL as badly as you might wish she were. To the contrary, she's entirely a self-made woman as much as could possibly be so.
She was adopted by a fairly poor family in South Carolina at birth, so started with absolutely zero advantages in life. Most driven person I ever met (and serving in the USMC AND manufacturing settings for almost 20 years Ive met many). Why I'm honestly thrilled she married me.
She was brave enough to hang up her own shingle in 2007, hiring only 3 employees to help her.
Since then she's grown to gainfully employ 20 people today and you're catching me on a day we're giving them as big of raises as we possibly can.
As for operating on the high road, she's so anal about charging and billing properly that versus simply trusting others to do it right for her, on top of everything else she's tackled as we've grown she invested weeks of additional time to study and become a certified biller so that she might know with certainty she is billing properly.
All that, and she invests much of her time training what we call "Clinical Hour Medical Assistants" to prepare for their own entry into the medical field. We have former employees now working as MDs and Physician Assistants not only across FL, but in GA, SC, TN, VA, PA, CO, and NV (and sure I'm leaving some out). Here's a recent picture of our staff, and though biased I'll say they're generally as happy as they look in the photo -- wife is bottom center. Dark-haired gal in the back sitting next to the lucky fella who recently worked with us are both attending Medical School in Europe this very moment.