Land Prices - down?

North of hwy 29, wolves, winters low dpsm, prices are stagnant. Waupaca, Buffalo, Shawano, prices continue to rise. The bigger the tract, the higher the price. It takes decades to have a large contiguous chunk in Waupaca which isn't always a good thing. I like have a great 40, 10 minute drive away with a different batch of bucks to hunt.
I think some up north owners are looking to move south to get away from the wolves and whatever factors for lower deer numbers. Waupaca and Shawano have enough rural population scattered around that I think SSS happens and keeps the "competition" down and thus prices are still going up.
Prices are on the decline in NE as well, both for ag and rec land but sales seem to be stagnant. Rec land near population centers jumped with price of ag land so they have to drop a ways to look even doable for most people. My friend who farms in western IA says the same about his area.

Molandowner, Kids aren't taught in school the sense of entitlement, they already come to school with it. The kids I see that are most successful no matter the socioeconomic status are the one's who's parents(both parents are in the picture, even if divorced, however there are some single parent exceptions) hold them accountable for their actions, have them get jobs during school year/summer and/or are involved in extracurricular activities that involve teamwork, dedication, and sacrifice to achieve goals and also do volunteer work.

The answer from an educator, no doubt! But you are ENTITLED to your opinion being an educator.

Enrollment in schools continues to decline in rural America, yet educators continue to try and build these elaborate brick and mortar bldgs called schools, just so they can keep filling them with high priced teachers.......that is entitlement for educators. Building new schools has nothing to do with education, the kids see it, and the parents see it with these bogus so called school referendums that school districts control all over our state. An educator should be able to teach these kids sitting under tree if they are worth a grain of salt.

You can't fool me about education or the lack of it in schools today. "No child left behind" is a prime example of why we don't need schools. Great Educator Idea to run kids through a system like cattle through a chute, whether they can balance a check book or not after the 12th grade. And it was the educators bright Idea to take away every trade program like welding, metal shop, auto shop, wood shop, killing our workforce of the future. But we will give these kids school I pads and computers from day one so the can stare down at the hands their whole life thinking this is work. Biggest failure to society yet, and it comes directly from educators.

We keep churning out idiots every day from these facilities you call schools. Glad A few kids can cut through the bullsh*t and still become productive citizens anyways.

Sorry for my distrust in the education system. But when I see our school district try for the fourth time to vote in a $125 million dollar school complex, along with a $19 million dollar yearly school budget, to try and graduate just over a hundred kids a year.....You do the math! Teacher entitlement to keep their jobs is all that money is for! Time to overhaul an education entitlement system that is clearly broken all across this country! And while we are at it, lets fix the other 1,800 Entitle professions around the country, farming included. The tax payers can not continue to support this entitle way of thinking! Rant over!:D
There will always be opportunities be they in buying land or in your success. If i was to give advice to young people I would say invest in yourself by obtaining a skill the market will pay you for. There are those who make allot of money starting their own companies but many more do not. Making yourself valuable to an employer will provide a good and safe standard of living.

If I was giving advice to people buying hunting land, make certain your other priorities are taken care of before spending a great deal of money. I purchased my land in my late 40s while not missing a beat hunting public land at first and finally a lease in Wisconsin. Keep your eye on the important stuff (job skills and family) and the land will come.
Sorry to derail thread for a moment OP

Mo, Your use of the word entitled in first line of your response to me was good and you are correct about me being an educator but I am a lot more than that.

I would pm you as to not derail this thread but you don't have that option available. The changes you speak of in education were almost entirely made by politicians and administrators. Every teacher I know hates NCLB, those that I have in depth conversations with, know we need to get the trades back into high school education. They were cut or diminished in every instance I know of because of lack of student enrollment/signup. School couldn't justify keeping teachers when there were so few students in those classes and those classes don't help with test scores:mad:

Most teachers see the need for these classes and lament how they are to teach classes today. They are all driven by the government emphasized test scores and curriculum designed by administrators solely to improve test scores. This curriculum is then given to the teachers and told how to teach it based on what a person, generally with a phd in their name tells them to do, with not much if any real world classroom experience.

You are wrong when you put the blame on schools giving out technology to students, creating people who have their face stuck in a screen all day. That behavior started when the kids were very young as they were stuck in front of a tv for baby sitting/keeping them occupied while parents did something else. They then graduated up to tv screens in vehicles where parents/caregivers could shove in a dvd and the kids would be glued to the screen until they were taken out of the vehicle. Next parents bought their kids cell phones to be able to contact them or have their child contact them when needed. With these cell phones the kids honed their face in a screen and thumb/eye skills and now have trouble having face to face conversations/relationships.

I can't count the number of times I have witnessed students coming unglued when they are asked to put phone away, they don't and then are asked for their phone in the middle of class. I have been in schools where I don't see how any academic education is going on as so many of the kids are texting or webbing on their phone while teacher is trying to educate. Graduating from this is the lesson given to the students by their parents when they come to the school all pissed off that the school took their child's phone in class.

Entitlement is all over this country but it starts at the home and grows from their.

A good educator deserves all they earn, unfortunately a teacher's salary is generally based on years of experience and education. In theory those teachers should be the best educators but like many things what looks good on paper isn't always a reality. I don't have a solution to teacher pay but as I said the good ones deserve every bit they are paid. Teacher unions are bad news and of all the things they do, protecting bad teachers is their greatest sin. I have always been against unions in general. There was a time for them but the last three decades they have been and continue to hurt this country in many ways, entitlement and economy to name a couple.

As you said, "you are ENTITLED to your opinion", no matter how wrong it may be.;)

I 100% agree on the spending for schools is outrageous. In Nebraska schools are funded by property taxes and we have some of the highest in the country and they keep going up. Mine have doubled in the past 5 years. The amount that districts put out publicly that they are spending per pupil blows my mind. There is no way that this meteoric rise in spending/taxing can continue without the collapse of something.

Hopefully you are as vocal in your community as you are on this forum. A couple local forums that I frequent have people that are ten feet tall and bullet proof on them but of the computer they are the opposite. I think you would be good at lighting a fire under somebody's arse and get something done, changed, or at least brought out into public conversation that you feel is wrong.

Again sorry for the derailment of this thread, hopefully it will get back on track.
Back to land prices, it's all about location. When I first started in real estate 2 years ago I tried to get my hands on any listing I could because I had to start somewhere. That meant taking bad listings in Northern Wisconsin that were never going to sell. I don't go north of HWY 8 anymore because when you get north of HWY 8 land is not sell unless you give it away. I imagine that it's the exact scenario in parts MN. No deer anymore, no one in the market for rec land and prices plummet. Come down by Eau Claire and prices are still very good $3000+/acre and things are moving constantly.

If oil stays low that puts a huge drag on land appreciating, but it's a market who knows what's going to happen.
Ok...........My rant.
Land prices will cycle, the deer population will cycle, our health will decline, and our kids will rule the world some day. I tell my boys that the work ethic they learned at the resort and on the dairy farm will take them far. Add an an education and the sky is the limit. You need both.

On the land subject, I will never leave my 160 acre slice. I don't care what it's worth when my kids go to sell it. Sure, a guy can find better ground to try and grow a booner, but few places have the diversity of wildlife and pure silence that my place does. How many grouse does Missouri have? How many black bears are running around Kansas? Hell, when is the last time someone eyed a bobcat in Buffalo county or SE Minnesota? And who can take a shower under the bulk tank outside while looking at the big dipper and not hear a car go by?

It's not JUST about deer for me. They're pop. will fluctuate, buy I will do my best to keep it healthy. It's about a place for my oldest to bring his college girlfriend to shoot her first gun and use an outhouse for the first time. It's about building a big tower stand with a really expensive set of stairs so my youngest can bring his dog with him. It's about taking my wife for a walk so she can pick blackberries and spending the night one wide and two deep on a twin mattress.

My land is about quality time and that's priceless. As many on here know, and others will realize as the years slip away. Time is far more valuable than money!!!
Ok...........My rant.
Land prices will cycle, the deer population will cycle, our health will decline, and our kids will rule the world some day. I tell my boys that the work ethic they learned at the resort and on the dairy farm will take them far. Add an an education and the sky is the limit. You need both.

On the land subject, I will never leave my 160 acre slice. I don't care what it's worth when my kids go to sell it. Sure, a guy can find better ground to try and grow a booner, but few places have the diversity of wildlife and pure silence that my place does. How many grouse does Missouri have? How many black bears are running around Kansas? Hell, when is the last time someone eyed a bobcat in Buffalo county or SE Minnesota? And who can take a shower under the bulk tank outside while looking at the big dipper and not hear a car go by?

It's not JUST about deer for me. They're pop. will fluctuate, buy I will do my best to keep it healthy. It's about a place for my oldest to bring his college girlfriend to shoot her first gun and use an outhouse for the first time. It's about building a big tower stand with a really expensive set of stairs so my youngest can bring his dog with him. It's about taking my wife for a walk so she can pick blackberries and spending the night one wide and two deep on a twin mattress.

My land is about quality time and that's priceless. As many on here know, and others will realize as the years slip away. Time is far more valuable than money!!!
Right on the money, Thank you
^ Well said Satchmo.
Hell, when is the last time someone eyed a bobcat in Buffalo county or SE Minnesota?
Great post Satch, but this ^^^ is a bad analogy. I was just looking at multiple "bob" pics this past week from both SE MN(Houston Co) and WC WI. Healthy lookin' critters too!
Back to land prices, it's all about location. When I first started in real estate 2 years ago I tried to get my hands on any listing I could because I had to start somewhere. That meant taking bad listings in Northern Wisconsin that were never going to sell. I don't go north of HWY 8 anymore because when you get north of HWY 8 land is not sell unless you give it away. I imagine that it's the exact scenario in parts MN. No deer anymore, no one in the market for rec land and prices plummet. Come down by Eau Claire and prices are still very good $3000+/acre and things are moving constantly.

If oil stays low that puts a huge drag on land appreciating, but it's a market who knows what's going to happen.

There are no nice bucks in Eau Claire County correct? You have to be in Buffalo to see anything with nice horns!!:D
Sorry to derail thread for a moment OP

Mo, Your use of the word entitled in first line of your response to me was good and you are correct about me being an educator but I am a lot more than that.

I would pm you as to not derail this thread but you don't have that option available. The changes you speak of in education were almost entirely made by politicians and administrators. Every teacher I know hates NCLB, those that I have in depth conversations with, know we need to get the trades back into high school education. They were cut or diminished in every instance I know of because of lack of student enrollment/signup. School couldn't justify keeping teachers when there were so few students in those classes and those classes don't help with test scores:mad:

Most teachers see the need for these classes and lament how they are to teach classes today. They are all driven by the government emphasized test scores and curriculum designed by administrators solely to improve test scores. This curriculum is then given to the teachers and told how to teach it based on what a person, generally with a phd in their name tells them to do, with not much if any real world classroom experience.

You are wrong when you put the blame on schools giving out technology to students, creating people who have their face stuck in a screen all day. That behavior started when the kids were very young as they were stuck in front of a tv for baby sitting/keeping them occupied while parents did something else. They then graduated up to tv screens in vehicles where parents/caregivers could shove in a dvd and the kids would be glued to the screen until they were taken out of the vehicle. Next parents bought their kids cell phones to be able to contact them or have their child contact them when needed. With these cell phones the kids honed their face in a screen and thumb/eye skills and now have trouble having face to face conversations/relationships.

I can't count the number of times I have witnessed students coming unglued when they are asked to put phone away, they don't and then are asked for their phone in the middle of class. I have been in schools where I don't see how any academic education is going on as so many of the kids are texting or webbing on their phone while teacher is trying to educate. Graduating from this is the lesson given to the students by their parents when they come to the school all pissed off that the school took their child's phone in class.

Entitlement is all over this country but it starts at the home and grows from their.

A good educator deserves all they earn, unfortunately a teacher's salary is generally based on years of experience and education. In theory those teachers should be the best educators but like many things what looks good on paper isn't always a reality. I don't have a solution to teacher pay but as I said the good ones deserve every bit they are paid. Teacher unions are bad news and of all the things they do, protecting bad teachers is their greatest sin. I have always been against unions in general. There was a time for them but the last three decades they have been and continue to hurt this country in many ways, entitlement and economy to name a couple.

As you said, "you are ENTITLED to your opinion", no matter how wrong it may be.;)

I 100% agree on the spending for schools is outrageous. In Nebraska schools are funded by property taxes and we have some of the highest in the country and they keep going up. Mine have doubled in the past 5 years. The amount that districts put out publicly that they are spending per pupil blows my mind. There is no way that this meteoric rise in spending/taxing can continue without the collapse of something.

Hopefully you are as vocal in your community as you are on this forum. A couple local forums that I frequent have people that are ten feet tall and bullet proof on them but of the computer they are the opposite. I think you would be good at lighting a fire under somebody's arse and get something done, changed, or at least brought out into public conversation that you feel is wrong.

Again sorry for the derailment of this thread, hopefully it will get back on track.

Too funny!
Is this you MO?
^^^ Freakin' Hilarious!
Ok...........My rant.
Land prices will cycle, the deer population will cycle, our health will decline, and our kids will rule the world some day. I tell my boys that the work ethic they learned at the resort and on the dairy farm will take them far. Add an an education and the sky is the limit. You need both.

On the land subject, I will never leave my 160 acre slice. I don't care what it's worth when my kids go to sell it. Sure, a guy can find better ground to try and grow a booner, but few places have the diversity of wildlife and pure silence that my place does. How many grouse does Missouri have? How many black bears are running around Kansas? Hell, when is the last time someone eyed a bobcat in Buffalo county or SE Minnesota? And who can take a shower under the bulk tank outside while looking at the big dipper and not hear a car go by?

It's not JUST about deer for me. They're pop. will fluctuate, buy I will do my best to keep it healthy. It's about a place for my oldest to bring his college girlfriend to shoot her first gun and use an outhouse for the first time. It's about building a big tower stand with a really expensive set of stairs so my youngest can bring his dog with him. It's about taking my wife for a walk so she can pick blackberries and spending the night one wide and two deep on a twin mattress.

My land is about quality time and that's priceless. As many on here know, and others will realize as the years slip away. Time is far more valuable than money!!!

You can do all that on 2 acres and skip the extra tax load.
You can do all that on 2 acres and skip the extra tax load.
You may be right, but my $1500 taxes are offset by $1100 in SFIA payments. I'll gladly pay that $400 a year for my 160 acres an access to 180 acres of landlocked county ground.

Good post...but I'd bet a guy in KS or MO or wherever who loved his land as much as you do would have the same sentiments. Each state/area has some unique features that make it "special" to certain people.

My land accomplishes many of the same things as yours. Berry picking, gardening, sight seeing, future fruit picking, solitude, etc....but when push comes to shove, I bought this land to do projects/make improvements for deer hunting. Sure, I enjoy planting trees and doing the habitat work...but I'm doing them with the hopes of better deer hunting. It just irks me when the state I live in works against my desired outcomes.
I hope your right Stu. I hope that everyone who buys a piece of land, no matter where it is, has a special connection with it.

Make no mistake about it. In a lot of respects, I bought my land for the same reasons you did. I have spent the last five years working on my habitat, planting, trees, making food plots, stands, trails, and facilities. The vast majority of those projects have been to improve our deer hunting experience. I too am extremely disappointed in the path that our DNR has taken our deer herd down, but I refuse to let their incompetence ruin my hunting. We have made conscious management decisions on what animals to harvest, and what to pass on. I am trying to teach my boys to enjoy the wildlife management process as much as the harvest. I truly believe we are making good strides in the right direction. Since we bought the place, we have better numbers, calmer deer, healthier deer, and a better age structure. While we may never grow a Boone & Crockett buck, there are always a couple around to put on the hit list. I actually enjoy hunting this far more than going to the farms in WI for rifle season and seeing 25 deer a day, all trying to avoid the "brown it's down mentality" every time they cross a fence. The numbers are way down over there now too.
How are you getting $1100 in SFIA on a $1500 tax assessment?

SFIA is what we have and it covers about 1/3 of the taxes. Not 2/3's.
SFIA is a fixed amount per acre from what I know. Does not matter your tax load, its about $7 per acre, or whatever the timber companies sucked out of St Paul.
SFIA is a fixed amount per acre from what I know. Does not matter your tax load, its about $7 per acre, or whatever the timber companies sucked out of St Paul.
Yep, I have about 50 acres enrolled and I get about $340.
Oh,,, thats it. We dont have the full 120 in SFIA. We have about 60 acres, which equates to about 1/3 of our tax total covered.
I've got 157 acres out of my 160 enrolled at $7 per acre. Had to exclude 3 acres for my buildings.