Name of Land, What would you put on sign?

KY wild

5 year old buck +
I have some different small farms that I have bought over the years and take a great deal of pride in and work on improving them like most of you guys do on your land. Well a friend recently bought a laser sign maker and has offered to make me some signs to hang at the entrance of my land. Problem is I don't know what to put on the signs. He calls his land "Wright Acres" and I have noticed on here as some of you have name for your land like, The Land of Milk of Honey or Deertopia. So what would you put on the sign if someone volunteered to make you a sign? I would appreciate any ideas.
A few come to mind:

1. Slick Head Acres
2. Spike City
3. 110” Farms

I think you get the drift…

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A common name for farms in the old days seems to be to name them the name of the family that used to own it. If you bought it from Ed Smith, that’s the “Smith Place.” I still hear it often.

I just bought a new place and found an old long abandoned family cemetery. I’m gonna name it for the family buried there, even though that’s not the family I bought it from.

Chambers Place. I figure one day I can make a cool logo, sign with the C-P initials.

ETA: it seems this family has no remaining descendants in the area. If they were still a prominent family, I probably wouldn’t do this.
The KY Wild Poison Ivy Patch
My places are Mill Creek Farm and Wolverine Creek Farm and I guess the “home place” my wife did call our place Cranberry Creek when she catered before we added on and moved in this house but we don’t really refer to it as Cranberry Creek any longer.
I named ours Maple Hill as we have several large maples when you first pull in the drive. I would say any predominant land feature or plant always makes a good name.
In all honesty easy, we don’t call our place “The Land of Milk and Honey.” We simply call it The Bottom. I call the broader area where I live the land of milk and honey as I talk about it with friends. As was said before, most folks I know call it by the name of the family who originally owned it. Lots of Smith Place and Johnson Bottoms around here. Make it personal to you. Usually the suffix is creek, bottom, place, ridge, or pasture around here.

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Growing up in norther Wisconsin if you lived up the hill you were a Birch Lake Savage! if you lived down the hill on the flats leading up to the south shore of Lake Superior you where a Lowland Cannibal!
I call mine the Catamount Hills Collective. 3 properties but I wanted them under one name. Catamount because wife and I got engaged and then married at a place called catamount in Colorado, and wild cats are badass and Hills because I have hills…
@Turkish you just got a new place? Time for a property tour
I like " Collective " added after name for multiple properties
How about: KY Wild Acres Collective

Or: KY Land and Livestock Collective
I have one property called Spruce Grove. I'm sure you can imagine why. It's a thick spruce and fir swamp that I leave largely unmanaged. It's also where I operate my Timber Frame LLC that goes by the same name.

My other property is called Doe Haven, because that's what I am trying to create, despite what Sturgis says. 🙂

I like when properties are named for a predominant land feature, tree species, etc....Shady Pines, Elm View, Oak Ridge, etc.
I call mine the Catamount Hills Collective. 3 properties but I wanted them under one name. Catamount because wife and I got engaged and then married at a place called catamount in Colorado, and wild cats are badass and Hills because I have hills…
@Turkish you just got a new place? Time for a property tour
I like Catamount, my only pushback would be the "collective" portion of things. It's probably nothing but to put collective makes it seem like "hey look at this piece. I've got tons of pieces of land like this". Might come across a little arrogant? I dunno. maybe I'm putting something to it that isn't there.

I do agree on the property tour. Lets see it!
Does your land have a history that you could honor? We just call the place the 7- (seven bar). That's been it's registered cattle brand for well over a hundred yrs and many generations.
I like Catamount, my only pushback would be the "collective" portion of things. It's probably nothing but to put collective makes it seem like "hey look at this piece. I've got tons of pieces of land like this". Might come across a little arrogant? I dunno. maybe I'm putting something to it that isn't there.

I do agree on the property tour. Lets see it!
I mean truly I just wanted something different than White Oak Farms. There’s only 8 million “farms” named something like that. It’s like yeah you have white oaks? Cool I do too and so does every neighbor around us. Names are tough.

The coolest name I can think of is that big duck outfitter in Missouri, Habitat Flats. I love that one.
Ours would be "The Land." Original, I know.

We don't live on our property so any conversation is something like, "We're going to the land", "We're at the land", "Bonfire Sat night at the land", etc.. Those two words actually get my labs off the couch and heading towards the door.
As soon as I catch up on some other projects I want to put up an entrance sign. I've been thinking "Broke Beeches Hollers", Due to a large number of large broken beech trees in each of our hollers.