I have a piece of ground that I am having 3 acres of trees sold to put in a pond and will also put in 5 acre clear cut on land for bedding while I have loggers on property. The land is 122 acres of mixed hard woods and has many good size native oaks on the property. This land also has 4 acre pine planting which is mature that the logger would also be willing to take out if I want them to for better wildlife habitat. This pine land is in a place which does me very little good for wildlife and is not in a good spot for bedding. So I was thinking about clearing the pines and planting back better beneficial trees. The property already has three food plots and two fruit tree plots. How to handle the pine cleared land is what I am debating so this is what I am thinking and would appreciate any input.
After pines are cleared I would pay to get tops burned and leave the stumps then I would ride through the area several times this summer with boom sprayer killing off any sprouting stumps or new growth. Then in the spring I would plant maybe 100 hundred Swamp Chestnut oaks and 100 Nuttall oaks and take the trouble to put a tube around all 200 hundred trees then try to spray around the seedlings the 1st year or two and maybe even water if we have a drought. This is my logic for doing this planting.
1. these trees are native to my area in western Ky but not local to this farm
2. These trees give off acorns young age, which is huge considering I am not young
3. These trees give off acorns later in season than my local oaks
So here is my questions and problems
1. Would you do something different with the the 4 acres
2. Will I be able to fight off competition since leaving all stumps, which includes some hardwoods
3. This is biggest question>>>. Will these 2 species do well considering the land is not a swamp. The land is gentle sloping hills and is not wet most of the year. Will these species do OK in Ky which usually gets good rain.
After pines are cleared I would pay to get tops burned and leave the stumps then I would ride through the area several times this summer with boom sprayer killing off any sprouting stumps or new growth. Then in the spring I would plant maybe 100 hundred Swamp Chestnut oaks and 100 Nuttall oaks and take the trouble to put a tube around all 200 hundred trees then try to spray around the seedlings the 1st year or two and maybe even water if we have a drought. This is my logic for doing this planting.
1. these trees are native to my area in western Ky but not local to this farm
2. These trees give off acorns young age, which is huge considering I am not young
3. These trees give off acorns later in season than my local oaks
So here is my questions and problems
1. Would you do something different with the the 4 acres
2. Will I be able to fight off competition since leaving all stumps, which includes some hardwoods
3. This is biggest question>>>. Will these 2 species do well considering the land is not a swamp. The land is gentle sloping hills and is not wet most of the year. Will these species do OK in Ky which usually gets good rain.