I’m not really a fan of summer relative to the other seasons but there are definitely perks. Ripe berries being one of them.
I was disappointed to find the licking branch above one of our best community scrapes on the ground.
I carefully removed the licking branch and hung it above the scrape with paracord. Hopefully they’ll forgive the few weeks it wasn’t available.
Trying to get another scrape going on a different part of the property. The branch is face level on a regularly traveled logging road.
This trail is a thing of beauty, looks like a cattle trail.
Most of the old apples on our place are loaded this year. None of them are in places I would plant an apple on purpose but they are a neighborhood draw. Almost zero acorns this year so it’s nice to have soft mast.
These apples are on a NWC droptine crab I planted in May 2018.
I haven’t planted all our fall plots yet but this one was sprayed, planted the next day and mowed three days later. There are still too many briars in this one to skip the mowing. Buckwheat and oats in this one. I’ll add WW, WR, clover, and a few others next month.
This small plot was sprayed and planted (broadcast) the next day. No reason to mow this one. BW and oats for now.
A few mountain critters.
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