Mohican Land Tour

Made it out to check the test plot yesterday

45 days of growth on the canola, kale, and turnips

So far they prefer the bayou kale early.

But the turnips are coming along and there is LOADS of tonnage in the 7 acre field.

Here's a picture of how I laid it out for reference

I pulled one each of the turnips just to see what they looked like.
L to R- Barkant, Jackpot, and PTTbarkant, jackpot, ptt 9-20-21.jpeg

the remainder are leafy. dont know much about the palatability of canola or kale, but being brassicas I'd assume the colder it gets, the better it gets?

I also have a lot of volunteer buckwheat that came back after spraying. But I think it kept the soil damper and I have some good stuff in that field. Looking forward to late season.

9-20-21-1.jpeg9-20-21-2.jpeg9-20-21-3.jpegbarkant 9-20-21 46 days growth.jpeg
Update on the turnip field, 1 deer was killed out of it, but 6 sheds were found in it... Not by me, I'm mostly blind, but by other members of our hunting group.
April 13 was tree planting day. 1700 Red cedars and 850 hardwoods (pin oak, northern red oak, shingle oak, and a couple bald cypress for a wet spot)

Started planting at 7:30 am, and we were done by 1

Today I'll have a call in to the chiroprator. That seat in the back and all the rocks we hit have me feeling the fruits of my labor.


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I like it. No shoveling
I wish I could have just sent you the several hundred cedars I cut off our place in north Texas the last year or so. They are a scourge down here. Outcompete the native oaks and encroach into remnant prairies.

Your place looks awesome! Keep up the good work!

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I wish I could have just sent you the several hundred cedars I cut off our place in north Texas the last year or so. They are a scourge down here. Outcompete the native oaks and encroach into remnant prairies.

Your place looks awesome! Keep up the good work!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Amazing how different species thrive different places.

I anticipate not much success with the hardwoods we put in. Just enough deer browse until they're head height that I suspect we;ll lose a lot of not most of them. But hopefully the cedars will resist browse, we'll lose some to rubbing, but if I can get them up and growing, it'll be a really cool looking screen.
Amazing how different species thrive different places.

I anticipate not much success with the hardwoods we put in. Just enough deer browse until they're head height that I suspect we;ll lose a lot of not most of them. But hopefully the cedars will resist browse, we'll lose some to rubbing, but if I can get them up and growing, it'll be a really cool looking screen.

I like red cedar as they make great thermal cover. Deer may rub them, but very little browse here. In my switch grass plots where there are mature cedars, I actually having cedars sprouting from seed and growing unprotected in the SG.
have you thought about tubing any of the hardwoods?I tubed alot of mine when testing before Kansas did cost share on them and they inspected 2 years later and I had 74% survival. I actually had so many survive that I have had to thin some because planted at NRCS footage and they were too close on that survival rate. In 10 years you will be glad you did
have you thought about tubing any of the hardwoods?I tubed alot of mine when testing before Kansas did cost share on them and they inspected 2 years later and I had 74% survival. I actually had so many survive that I have had to thin some because planted at NRCS footage and they were too close on that survival rate. In 10 years you will be glad you did
I probably could/should. but I'm not sure I have the heart or energy to tube 850 trees.
Pond is full, so over the weekend my extended family, while camping nearby, made the trip over to try fishing it.

I hadn't started fishing it until about 2 weeks ago and was pleasantly surprised.

pond is about 2 1/2 acres and I'd only put about 60 SMB in, but the kids were yanking them. 1 tee totaler ran it up to 16 fish caught, and he won the day

as we were about ready to leave my sister caught the best one of the day.

also, the aluminum boat and trolling motor my boys got for Christmas works... after several visits from JB Weld. :D

smb1.jpgres.jpgthe boat.jpg
Nice man, love seeing the kids getting into it! Nice pond bud 🎣
The pond looks great! When did you put your smallies in and how big were they? What other fish did you stock?
The pond looks great! When did you put your smallies in and how big were they? What other fish did you stock?
I stocked the smallies November of 2023 along with perch and Red Ear Sunfish. They're growing.

I want to add wipers this fall
I stocked the smallies November of 2023 along with perch and Red Ear Sunfish. They're growing.

I want to add wipers this fall
They sure are! We stocked 50 4”-5” SM in our new pond early November last year but haven’t seen or been able to catch any yet. The perch are so aggressive in our pond about every cast one will hit within seconds.
How big were your SM when you put them in?
I think my SMB were 4-6" when we dumped them in back in November of 21

I'm supplementally feeding them, perch,and RES in hopes of having them put on some weight