Been awhile since I updated this thread with everything that has gone on in the past year at this farm.
For anyone that doesn’t know, we built a barn house and moved out to this farm in early summer.
So with that said….my boys were absolutely positive with us putting the pond in and building/ moving out here the hunting was compromised.
Didn’t end up being the case at all. Our yard with pond is around four acres and the woods is eight, we have literally had deer in our yard every week since we moved in. Mostly mornings and evenings but some during the day. Also see bunnies squirrels coon and all kinds of cool birds. The wife and I love to nature watch and having our dog Darcy running around doesn’t seem to bother, the coming and going mowing fishing swimming family events and very loud talking wife have not seemed to effect the wildlife one bit.
So on with the update;
All through the summer we had a doe with twins around, see them almost every evening, we put those off limits to the boys because they are almost like pets. I was seeing a lot of rubs around the outside of woods (I don’t go in it in summer) and a nice scrape line down the west side this fall.
The doe with twins last night
Coming home one evening right before dark in October I was just about 100 yards from my driveway when a really nice buck trotted across road in front of me going towards the river to the north. He was REALLY nice, I’ve shot a 159 7/8” and he was easily bigger. I watched him go north for at least a minute..he was way past his ears wide with sweet mass.
That got my attention, I saw him again a couple weeks earlier one morning for ten seconds back by the bee hives. Saw lots of huge tracks around yard along woods and around pond that I assumed were his. I’m not hung up on horns like a lot of guys but that one was pretty cool. I started calling him Big Boy.
To the south of me about a mile I found out a couple groups of guys were hunting along a small creek and one of them showed me pics of the buck and asked if I’d seen him. Honestly I didn’t like any of that even though I know none of the deer are “mine”. I am snobbish being a landowner while they are all townies and I admit it.
Soooo…early November
I go out early it was just starting to get light. I only had a couple hundred yard walk to my bucket in the weeds on SE corner of little woods. Only spot I had to hunt with south west wind.
I looped way out in bean stubble to east about half way there this big bodied deer comes angling out to me in the half dark and stops maybe 40 yards in front of me. Still just to dark to see good but legal, couldn’t really tell buck or big doe…I was loaded and aiming with red dots on but couldn’t make it out good enough.
This Mexican stand off goes on for like two minutes and xbow is gaining weight.
Finally it trots off to south.
Still not sure exactly what it was because of poor light.
Then after I’m on corner sitting for twenty minutes this big button we have been seeing comes out next to me maybe ten feet away. Couple minutes after that all hell broke loose with deer chasing all over in the bean stubble.
Obviously a doe that was in heat was stirring everybody up, deer started chasing out of the south side of our woods. A few fawns a big doe a forky and one decent buck that was good enough for me. The bigger buck just kept chasing everyone and grunting, it went on for 15-20 minutes. One time he got within 50-60 yards of me but was moving. Every one of the others came right over by me off course but not the one I wanted.
Then whichever one was close to being in heat ran into the woods and the seven other deer followed her in. They ran around grunting like pigs breaking branches and making all kinds of noise. After ten minutes or so they settled down and it got quiet. I sat for another hour nothing. The bucket was getting very uncomfortable to say the least. I sat it out as long as my back could take then looped way out around back to the house.
A couple pics from the rodeo off vids I sent to my boys.

All literally in my back yard.
I poked my head out a few times during the day and every time I heard them in there. I waited for the wind shift I knew was happening in the afternoon switching NE so I could get up in the locust tree and hopefully get a shot. I knew this was one of those days we wait all year for.
Went back out at 4:00 looped way west to sw corner stand in locust tree like a ghost ninja. Started seeing does and fawns almost immediately. A few does came in from woods to south and it started getting noisy with chasing and grunting in the woods.
I had three does behind me ten yards feeding in corn stubble to west and a few out along s edge of woods sixty yards in bean stubble feeding towards me. And a button right under me.
Deer were chasing around in woods I saw the nice buck from that morning through brush, I was totally fine with him. I got ready with the new Tenpoint xbow I had switched to this year.
They chased and grunted in woods awhile then this big doe comes out west side of woods cutting behind me…with a huge buck..Big Boy twice her body size right on her ass. I ranged him at forty yards bleated at him he was still moving and I shot.
Arrow spun in like a crashing fighter plane and hit ground ten yards before it got to him! I’ve got lighted nocks.
I was like WTF?
Doe and big buck went to woods to south west 300 yards away.
Then buck from this morning squirts out s end and trots off to creek to south.
Then deer start pouring out of our woods to neighbors woods behind ours to south w. A seven point I hadn’t seen came out right under me.
I look at xbow and string is off the cams? Fk Fk Fk. Of all the times for that to happen.
it didn’t really blow up but sounded very weird when I shot.
I had no idea that the big buck was in there.
Craziest day I’ve ever had bow hunting. Saw over twenty deer I think. A lot of them were no doubt repeat sightings that day. Maybe the best day ever in a stand and I didn’t shoot a deer….but what a show!
Took xbow to cabelas next day, they took it all apart inspected it good put it back together and it is tip top again. I must have gotten a twig or weed between cam and cable somehow. It could have been worse I guess.
Talked with the farmer next door neighbor who does not hunt last week. He said he had just seen the big buck earlier in the week right behind our woods…so he made it through gun and is still around!
So that was my big excitement hunting this fall.
I’ll drop a few landscape pics I’ve taken this fall.
The sunsets here are spectacular
Edit 1/5/24 added todays sunrise