Do we really care about public hunting opportunities?

My understanding is that the state must sell these properties if people are interested in them and the price is for the amount of the back taxes. I have been wrong one other time in my life so...
Probability some kick backs/bribes need paid to the proper government employees for the process to get rolling.
My understanding in regards to state owned land locked property is that they are bound to sell it if someone wants it. Must be accessable to the public.
My understanding is that the state must sell these properties if people are interested in them and the price is for the amount of the back taxes. I have been wrong one other time in my life so...
I thought that one other time you were wrong was when you thought you were wrong?
I have been trying to buy land locally but there are a couple locals that know someone, so I always hear that land was purchased by the same guys before it ever is even listed. Half the time I would have payed more than they sold it for.
I have been trying to buy land locally but there are a couple locals that know someone, so I always hear that land was purchased by the same guys before it ever is even listed. Half the time I would have payed more than they sold it for.
See my last post on this issue!!!
I have been trying to buy land locally but there are a couple locals that know someone, so I always hear that land was purchased by the same guys before it ever is even listed. Half the time I would have payed more than they sold it for.
That was all the local farmers around me. There were a few families that bought up everything they could, but now most of it is even out of their price range. There is a nice farm near me for sale but the 2.5 mil price tag is about 2.45 mil out of my price range.