Judge orders Wolf's returned to the endangered list

I hope nobody posts on here what chemicals to use to poison nuisance animals. That would not be helpful.
Wow, did this come out of nowhere? I didn't even know this was being debated again. Oh well, so much for deer hunting. I guess I will just go back to dedicating my self to jiu-jitsu again. At least then I can choke someone.
Now that is a very clever post right there!!!! Subliminal messsaging, cool!

oooooooooooo. I get it now. Here I thought he was just drunk and slurring his words.
If it's got 4 legs and looks like a yote... Boom!

If they won't manage the herd, then we as citizens need to.
I hope nobody posts on here what chemicals to use to poison nuisance animals. That would not be helpful.
LEAD poison
Immediate implications of this ruling include the following:
  • Permits which allow lethal removal of wolves issued to landowners experiencing wolf conflicts are no longer valid. The department will contact permit holders to alert them.
  • The department is not authorized to use lethal control as part of its conflict management program. Non-lethal tools and depredation compensation remain available. Those experiencing conflicts with wolves should contact the United States Department of Agriculture - Wildlife Service for conflict investigation and management assistance. USDA Wildlife Services can be reached at 800-228-1368 in northern Wisconsin or 800-433-0663 in southern Wisconsin.
  • Wisconsin's law allowing landowners or occupants of the land to shoot wolves that are in the act of depredating domestic animals on private property is no longer in force. Landowners may not kill wolves in the act of attacking domestic animals.
  • Under Federal Law, you cannot use dogs to track and train on wolves.
  • Wisconsin is not authorized to implement a wolf harvest season.
While the department is disappointed by this decision, we will continue to support USFWS and their original decision to delist and remain confident in the State of Wisconsin's ability to manage our wolf population.

So you are telling me if a wolf is choping away at my dog i can't shoot the damn thing? Or a farmer is supposed to watch it eat its cattle?
Manage? What can we do other than deport them to Minnesota ;)
So you are telling me if a wolf is choping away at my dog i can't shoot the damn thing? Or a farmer is supposed to watch it eat its cattle?

That's a big yote you saw. As Ron White says: "Shoot 'em in the head."

We've had 2 seasons in MN, and our population went UP. That means that either the herd is healthier via hunting and more able to reproduce and rear their young, or we've reduced the un-wanted SSS harvest by allowing a legal one with constraints (most folks want to follow the letter of the law and remain good upstanding citizens). I'm thinking the latter is more likely.

This ruling is some idiot judge's over reach of their bench to implement some activist group's desires. The herd is now at the mercy of people who think the laws are unjust and there's very little chance of getting caught or even ratted out if someone's discovered poaching wolves.
How many collared wolfs are still running around?
Now I have to decide if it be wise to keep my 30 acres or sell it thinking long-term. I'm only 4 miles from the edge of a wolf pack and although It's on the edge of farmland/big woods I would imagine with a wolf population left to grow that I'll someday have them around. However maybe the reason I don't see them close is because the Amish have their own rules and are happy to help keep the population in check.
Imo, hunters have tolerated this crap until now. This is a game changer.

I agree, the delisting was long overdue and now they've reversed it and we're supposed to go "ok" and follow along like good little sheep. I don't see that happening.
With the size of the fine that comes with a protected animal.......I would think twice of who is around when you let the lead fly!! Just sayin!
Who's going to prosecute it? I feared for my life.
My current next door neighbor hunted in the northern MN areas and a guy in his party shot a wolf some time ago..... Last light.... Collared....

It was in outdoor news a handful of years ago... Outcome was not good.

Lots of big talk about shooting wolves.... I couldnt do it if I saw one.... Are they micro chipping wolves?
Not worth it, and if anyone thinks the SSS plan is a fine one... have at it guys, cuz in this day and age your shovel wont be the only thing thats confiscated.....
Er, Em I've heard. That a little snail bail http://www.dogchatforum.com/snailbait-poisoning-dogs.htm in a piece of cooked hotdog is lethal to canine.

Just saying.

Oh and I've also heard that their usually dead with in seconds of ingesting it so they'll be laying close by.

Just saying, be careful with your snail bait.
A small caliber rifle with fmj ammo punched through just behind the last rib leaves no evidence a long distance from the shot...theoretically.
We have a friend that went on an elk hunt out west and the guide also required that they purchased a wolf tag. When he went to get the wolf tag the guy only agreed to sell him one if he promised to gut shoot the first 4 he saw. They all look like coyotes to me, fire away.
We have a friend that went on an elk hunt out west and the guide also required that they purchased a wolf tag. When he went to get the wolf tag the guy only agreed to sell him one if he promised to gut shoot the first 4 he saw. They all look like coyotes to me, fire away.
This is not the way I want to see any animal die, but government action has led to this. North country residents have known about this for years and many are always armed.
Wonder if this will stick. Wi has seen these judge orders recently with act 10. A couple judges overruled act 10 and Act 10 is still what it is today.