I agree Bill - priorities shift, especially regarding the kids.
I had a lot of standing corn left this year, so I am toying with doing some different things as well. I tend to focus plots on corn or soybeans and then overseed in the fall. I may specifically make a fall annual plot this year just to see if it makes any real difference. I'm thinking of splitting my largest plot (which is only 3/4 acre) in half and plant the normal corn or beans in half and then plant a true fall plot of AWP, cereal grains and brassica. Been a while since I have done that and I like to shake things up once in a while. As for letting things go to grow cover - you hit the nail on the head in that cover is sometimes seasonal. That is why I am taking on the switchgrass expansion - it will simply provide better cover and for more of the year. What was there is OK in the fall, but slowly deteriorates as the winter progresses to being virtually worthless at this time of year.
I had a lot of standing corn left this year, so I am toying with doing some different things as well. I tend to focus plots on corn or soybeans and then overseed in the fall. I may specifically make a fall annual plot this year just to see if it makes any real difference. I'm thinking of splitting my largest plot (which is only 3/4 acre) in half and plant the normal corn or beans in half and then plant a true fall plot of AWP, cereal grains and brassica. Been a while since I have done that and I like to shake things up once in a while. As for letting things go to grow cover - you hit the nail on the head in that cover is sometimes seasonal. That is why I am taking on the switchgrass expansion - it will simply provide better cover and for more of the year. What was there is OK in the fall, but slowly deteriorates as the winter progresses to being virtually worthless at this time of year.