So this weekend had me working on project "battle wagon" again.
Friday I bought some sheeting for the walls (4) 4x8 x 3/8 plywood at ~ $12 each and another 2 pounds of screws (should have just bought 5 pounds to begin with) and another box of screws to secure the sheeting. So I have about another ($80) in the project. I figured for the walls I didn't really need anything substantial, but I didn't want OSB or the like either.
Saturday started out by what I thought would be securing some funds. I worked my way around the farm and gathered up a bunch of scrap metal that needed to go for some time. So I ended up with almost 1,400 pounds on my half ton pick-up. Not sure if the price was good or not a $60/ton....but I walked away with $41. After I spent the morning loading it all and then again unloading it really didn't seem worth the effort. But I got rid of some stuff that needed to go. I got more, but for the will wait.
Saturday afternoon and Sunday I actually was working on the project. I got the other 2 walls framed. I installed the sheeting I had, and got the roof panels framed as well. It was also decided that it wasn't a proper construction site without a flag! Roof is 2x6 construction not for snow load, but my son wants to be able to access it a a higher shooting platform as well. Thus the tall 2x4 to act as part of a railing system....that I have to figure out yet. Roof has slight grade sloping forward - nobody wants to climb a ladder while the rain from the roof drains on you (better for the ladder/steps as well.

I also have to bite-the bullet and redo the deck on the wagon.... I am trying really hard to ensure this all seals really well and the 2x8's on the wagon are not cooperating.... I will reuse the 2x8 as joists and the use some sheeting to try to get...and keep a much more level surface to mount the wall panels to. I added the red line so you can see the distortion a little better. I am not sure if it would have been as bad if I had mounted the panels right away.....but live and learn.
I will say that I spend about as much time thinking about how this is all going to come together as I do actually doing it.... Hopefully it all comes together in the end....and soon. I got stands to get up yet and to check and the like!