Herron Ridge … Trials, Tribulations, & Some Good Stuff

I like the buck with all the junk at his bases.

He'll be hard to pass. He could be a special buck if he got another year on him ... problem is the neighbors are trigger happy.
So that's him in post #24? And also in back right of post #37 (1st pic in that post)? If so, he's got a really nice frame and plenty of character. If I passed him up opening morning, I'd regret it all season. I find that never pans out for me. But we're sittin' in different spots! You have a nice group of bucks.
So that's him in post #24? And also in back right of post #37 (1st pic in that post)? If so, he's got a really nice frame and plenty of character. If I passed him up opening morning, I'd regret it all season. I find that never pans out for me. But we're sittin' in different spots! You have a nice group of bucks.

They are similarities, I don't have enough info to say they are the same deer. Maybe from the same gene pool, just not sure.
Great looking bachelor group Tree Spud.
Some of the bucks that call our property home. Looking to get out this weekend and hope to cross paths with one of them. Most of these bucks are 4 year olds with the one in pic 2 possibly a 5 year old. May consider a morning sit, need to monitor where the wind will be.

IMG_0024 a.JPG




He is a bit camera shy ....

Good luck when you do get the right wind!
Well one of the up and coming stars has bit the dust. My dog Thor and I were out on a Sunday morning walk. At one point he raised his nose up into the wind and took off. When I caught up with him, he was head deep into the gut pile enjoying a very nasty morning snack.

I estimate the buck was a 3 year old and had good mass, nice 10 point main frame, brows were 4" & 5", and was 18” wide. We have had pretty warm weather so I assume he was killed in last 2 weeks.

I dug around and could not find any broken ribs or evidence of an arrow strike or the broadhead itself. Obviously the condition of the hide could not shed any evidence. The closet neighbors property line is 300+ yards. Neighbors are famous for wounding deer so it may have been a gut shot.

A real shame, but these things happen.



It always burns a little to find them and not know what caused its demise. Not that we can change anything, but the not knowing sucks. Car? Hunter? Disease? Parasite? So many ways they can go. Weirdest ones are the lightning strikes that have taken out entire bachelor groups of bucks, that would really suck!
any chance of a car hit?
any chance of a car hit?

Possible, but I don't think likely as I didn't see any broken bones. Closet property line to the north is 550 yards. that road is a dead end gravel road with only one house and an older guy who can't see well. This neighbor wouldn't tell me if he shot one that came on our property. He arrowed the wide 10 pt I was chasing last year high in the shoulder that came onto our property and never told me.

My neighbor to east already got his buck and he would tell me if his daughter arrowed one that came on our property. His line is 400 yards.

He could have died by getting stuck by another buck when locking up as this is high travel area and where the will stage. Other possibility was a poor shot by a neighbor that went though gut or back high and he bedded then bled out.

I will check on him again when they flys, maggots, and yotes have cleaned him up.
Put 3 Franklin Cider & 2 Whitney crab in the garden for planting next spring. First time we have fall planted non-dormant trees. We will move them next spring.


My nephew helped me put up "his" new deer stand. Was a fun project for both of us and I really appreciated his strong back!



It will be watching the creek bottoms & transition zone located south of one of our food plots.

My nephew helped me put up "his" new deer stand
NICE!! With the prices of lumber I put off building my box blind this year, I may still build one in the spring but probably use rough cut lumber. I did consider just building a platform on legs and putting up a prefab blind like this, if you don't mind me asking how much was it? Did you order online or buy local?
NICE!! With the prices of lumber I put off building my box blind this year, I may still build one in the spring but probably use rough cut lumber. I did consider just building a platform on legs and putting up a prefab blind like this, if you don't mind me asking how much was it? Did you order online or buy local?

Bought local, all metal exterior. Sat outside for over a year and no water leakage.
How did you fasten blind to ground? also buck could have got EHD theres alot of outbreaks across the country
Congratulations, that’s a wide dude.
Hamster neck to boot…
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