Heads Will Be Exploding ... RBG No More

Tree Spud

5 year old buck +
Well RBG has left the building! The libs are going out of their minds now tearing-hair.gif

Time to get to work President Trump ... great opportunity to counter the rioting and civil disorder the left is bringing down on us.
There’s only 3 people on Earth that make a difference on this. Murkowski, Collins and Romney . They are not Republicans , they are limelight seekers. You get no press if you’re strongly on one side or the other but if you claim to be in the middle you get 10,000 media shots per day. They will be knot heads all through this until they feel they have enough press ops. the senate might wait and see if they gain more in November. Then these lime lighters are irrelevant If they stay the same or flip there will be too much pressure on these lime lighters Either way in my opinion it works out better after November so I wouldn’t want to be the first nominee in October. Your chances are better being second or third in line.
Someday I hope to be famous enough that my 3 initials can be spoken and people will know who the speaker is referring to...
She should've retired quite a while ago. They have every right to move quickly on this, just as she had the right to remain a judge on her death bed. She easily could've retired under Obama.
She could have retired from 74 to 83 and guaranteed that seat stayed liberal. Her ego, and the fact she never thought Trump would win is going to cost the left the seat. Mitch needs to cram it right down the lefts throat. It is great she died knowing Trump is her president.
This is a disgusting quote that the fake news is running with. “until the new president is installed.” Guess she is assuming that high command is gonna do whatever they have to do to get Comrade Biden installed in the captains chair. I think the republicans should go for it and try to fill the seat, but ultimately the turncoats will stop it from happening.

There will be a complete meltdown on Monday as Trump nominates a Hispanic woman to take her place. I don’t see her getting confirmed and I think democrats have a pretty good shot at taking the senate. Then trump will have to try and get a nomination through cryin chuck and that’s not likely to happen. Possibly 8 judges until 2023. I say the democrats killed Ginsburg or she has been dead for a month and they are using this for election turnout. Gotta crank up that psychotic base. Biden couldn’t generate any enthusiasm on his own.

Seems that the republicans drug it out in 2016 which made sense so trump could make his pick for replacement. Dragging it out this time by the dems will still turnout with trump making his pick. Dems gotta be going even more insane(didn't think it was possible).
Based on the last fiasco, it's unethical to even try to seat someone a month before the election. If it does happen I can see Biden (assuming he wins) increasing the number of seats by at least 2 and filling them with his appointments, so be careful what you wish for.
Trump could do the same. Hasn’t been done for ages though.
Haven’t really dug her latest decisions. But I’m not so far anyway to dismiss the great things she did. RBG and Scalia were actually good friends. She did a lot of good!

Can’t really understand from a political perspective why she didn’t retire under Obama.
Probably no different than any of us. We will run our farms way beyond when we can or should.
Based on the last fiasco, it's unethical to even try to seat someone a month before the election. If it does happen I can see Biden (assuming he wins) increasing the number of seats by at least 2 and filling them with his appointments, so be careful what you wish for.
The last fiasco is the world we live in. Was it ethical to fabricate Russia collusion and impeach over a phone call that said nothing. If the roles were reversed they certainly would push one through. They already said they want to add justices so they will if they can.
If you have a daughter and believe she should have the same opportunities as a son, then you should be grateful for RBG. What she achieved for women we take for granted now, but she led the struggle for a long time.
Based on the last fiasco, it's unethical to even try to seat someone a month before the election. If it does happen I can see Biden (assuming he wins) increasing the number of seats by at least 2 and filling them with his appointments, so be careful what you wish for.

That might be worth dusting off some boxes of ammunition and cleaning a bunch of guns, right there.

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This is a disgusting quote that the fake news is running with. “until the new president is installed.” Guess she is assuming that high command is gonna do whatever they have to do to get Comrade Biden installed in the captains chair. I think the republicans should go for it and try to fill the seat, but ultimately the turncoats will stop it from happening.

There will be a complete meltdown on Monday as Trump nominates a Hispanic woman to take her place. I don’t see her getting confirmed and I think democrats have a pretty good shot at taking the senate. Then trump will have to try and get a nomination through cryin chuck and that’s not likely to happen. Possibly 8 judges until 2023. I say the democrats killed Ginsburg or she has been dead for a month and they are using this for election turnout. Gotta crank up that psychotic base. Biden couldn’t generate any enthusiasm on his own.

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I don’t see them having a chance in hell of taking the senate. Too many regular people are appalled at the democrat party’s refusal to acknowledge or respond to the violence over the last 100+ days. And now, vocal members of the party are calling to radicalize. Suburban housewives will defect from the democrat party, or not show up at all. The only chance the dems have is voter fraud. Hence the massive push for universal mail in ballots, and states starting to remove control measures for existing mail in systems.

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RBG was a flat out champion for women’s rights, Awesome on a lot of civil rights stuff too.
Some of her decisions were anything but bipartisan but that is why she was put there in the first place.
I understand that upholding and interpreting laws was her passion in life but she overstayed way to long and in the end it will hurt her party.
She should have bowed out with grace and enjoyed some retirement years instead of clinging onto the job and becoming a joke in the end.
If you have a daughter and believe she should have the same opportunities as a son, then you should be grateful for RBG. What she achieved for women we take for granted now, but she led the struggle for a long time.
And if you have two daughters and don’t want the country to go down the shitter you hope that she is replaced by a conservative.
Trump says his nomination will be a woman. Very similar to what Biden did when he ruled out all qualified men for a running mate. Democratic heads will explode when he doesn't pick a old white guy and they have to argue against what the dems just justified for themselves. Plus, how can they possibly be against advancing a woman in this political landscape? How will they support his female choice while at the same time say she is a horrible choice (solely on the fact that he made the pick)? Lol, they can't have it both ways but I bet they try.