Giving my place a name - need some ideas


How many of you guys have actually named your place?

This got brought up today and I never really thought about it before. Where did you get your inspiration?

Best I can come up with at the moment is "Fall Creek Farm" - my place touches 2 branches of Fall Creek. Can't use the family name - most folks mispronounce it in this area.
It takes time, let something happen that make it obvious. If you're on the fence about five different names, don't pick one. Let something happen that makes it unique and something you'll always think about whenever you talk about your "farm". Sometimes the name will change over time as well.
younggun - if I use your logic my place would be called - "I do dumb $hit farm"!!!!
I feel the sandbox is a very fitting name for my place and the previous owner's last name was Sand.

Sandbur probably also fits my attitude at times. A bit to a lot irritating.
The farm in Missouri is "Paradise Farms"

The Farm in Minnesota is "Get The F*ck Out of my House Farms" do to the recent encounter with a furnace guy that had no idea what he was doing today!
It takes time, let something happen that make it obvious. If you're on the fence about five different names, don't pick one. Let something happen that makes it unique and something you'll always think about whenever you talk about your "farm". Sometimes the name will change over time as well.
I agree. We have not named our place yet because nothing really stuck. I figure one of my daughters will probably do the naming with all the stuff they come up with. My 5 year old thinks she is an excellent turkey caller. Her call is gobble gobble bang. I don't know why I think that is so funny but I am hopeful she will come up with a good name one of these days. My FIL's place is Dan's Dump. When he bought it was four walls, roof, and a whole lot of rat shit. It stuck. I do enjoy the drive up looking at all the camp names people come up. I want ours to be one people get a chuckle out of.
Most of our bucks that are 3 or older are busted up at some point - what about "Onery Buck Farm"? You could look at as onery boys as well. Related to our actual bucks we could go "Busted Point Farm" as well.
Our farm/LLC is named Chestnut Valley Farms. I kind of wish we would have waited to pick somthing more unique as mentioned above.
Our farm/LLC is named Chestnut Valley Farms. I kind of wish we would have waited to pick somthing more unique as mentioned above.

Like The "Hate-To-Leave-It" Camp!
How many of you guys have actually named your place?

This got brought up today and I never really thought about it before. Where did you get your inspiration?

Best I can come up with at the moment is "Fall Creek Farm" - my place touches 2 branches of Fall Creek. Can't use the family name - most folks mispronounce it in this area.

J-Bird ... the idea of a name should never come from an outsider or anyone who has not walked your property.

Think of your experiences, times you have shared, good moments between you and your wife, and what the property means to you and your clan that are fortunate to experience the place. The times you have smiled or cried ...

Not to worry ...the name will reveal itself if yoy give it time ... :)
I thought about this myself back 5-10 years ago. I always leaned towards Goshen Acres because a very old travelway through the state (the first one actually, I believe) ran right through my property. You can still see a cut. It never really stuck ... THEN ... when my daughter was 5, she wanted to go out to the farm. While we were there, out of nowhere she asked, "Dad, how did we get this FarmWorld?" Its been FarmWorld for 5 years and it will never be anything else!
This got brought up today and I never really thought about it before. Where did you get your inspiration?
Like everyone above has said, it will come on it's own. When the name hits you, you will know it, because it will feel right and it will stick with you. Read your own thought above, you have never really thought about it, give yourself time to feel it out. Now that you are "thinking" about it, that will make it all the more obvious. I had a buddy that had a lame name picked out for his place but before he could get a "sign" made up, he had a wind storm knock down about 12 acres on top of his ridge and thus "Wind Shear Acres" was born, I thought it was quite fitting.
Something I have never even thought of...... Hmmmm.....

"Piece of Heaven, but wishing it was Northern Missouri"

Is that too long for a property name? :)
It will come to you when you least expect it.
I feel the sandbox is a very fitting name for my place and the previous owner's last name was Sand.

Sandbur probably also fits my attitude at times. A bit to a lot irritating.
I call my place by the name of a previous owner too. We also have parts of the property named, last 40, blueberry hill, the buildings, brass hill. While also using names of people who gun hunt that specific spot.
Basically my properties have their own language.
The farm in Missouri is "Paradise Farms"

The Farm in Minnesota is "Get The F*ck Out of my House Farms" do to the recent encounter with a furnace guy that had no idea what he was doing today!
This is why you have more "likes" on this site than anyone else. I actually laugh out loud when I read this stuff.
No name here. It's simply up north, the land, huntin land. Omaha Steve told me if we start naming bucks on cam he's gonna punch me in the face. That drives him nuts on the big shows.
No name here. It's simply up north, the land, huntin land. Omaha Steve told me if we start naming bucks on cam he's gonna punch me in the face. That drives him nuts on the big shows.

same here. I just call mine the property or land and don't make a fuss over it. Agreed a hundred percent on naming bucks! I always shake my head when I hear people on TV or the internet put names on bucks. They're an animal you hunt for pete's sake not a pet.
I'm a fan of having some intel on the property, but not a complete inventory of every single buck doe and fawn.
Woodtick Ranch!