Camera surveys can be time and labor intense
I have nine stations with cameras and corn over a 2 week period and generate thousands of photos to review
What is the rate for the drone camera survey?
My feeders easily feed for over two weeks. Since they are already running, I dont have to pre-bait. If I am running a survey over a hand placed feed like nutgrub - I am doing it since the end of June - so the feeding and baiting itself is not additional time or expense - for me.
The evaluation of the pictures does take some time. I run five survey locations on 350 acres. I have my cameras set for every ten minutes and it does probably take a couple hours to evaluate the pictures and record the data.
But remember, a drone survey is a snapshot in time. As I mentioned above, I have seen my deer population lose over 20 deer in five seconds. I have seen the opposite. And that is in one eight acre corner of my property.
Personally, I dont consider a drone survey to be a good indicator of a total property deer census so much as an interesting snapshot in time - better used for locations your deer are using at that particular time of the day.
Granted - I have never used a drone for surveying - but I cant imagine there is ever a time when anywhere near 100% of your deer are on your property. If you owned a thermal drone and flew it ten days in a row at various times of the day and night - I think a drone survey would be more meaningful. Cameras gather information continually for ten days straight - over an attractant - and are definitely not a snapshot in time - and even then, it is recognized that all deer wont come to a baited feed site.
I run a lot of cameras. I can tell what kind of acorn crop I have without setting foot outside my house by increased activity in my oak woods. Deer head to the cedars in numbers prior to a storm. My ash groves will be full of bedding deer - day and night. Decreased deer pictures in the food plots and feed locations means a good acorn crop and deer are in the oaks.
But, while I can figure out over a few days or weeks what my deer are doing based upon camera pictures - a drone provides an instant read. I only know in general from the cameras.
A drone provides an instant read - you can see what the deer on your property are all doing at one time. While I would love to have a drone fly my place, I am not sure how valuable a one time flight would be. I am not even sure when I would do it. I do see the value of owning a thermal drone so you could see at different times of the year with different food availability or different hunting pressure situations - how you deer reacted. But I can think of a lot of other ways to spend $8k