His legacy will live on....
Hopefully I'll be able to do the same for some other whipper snapper when I'm old.
"WOW Phil! Those are great growing grafts. Good work. Your growth is at least a week ahead of mine. You have some very encouraging growth there. Thanks for showing me your progress; I really hope this tree shines in your property like it does here. I have complete confidence that this tree multiplied here is a huge improvement to this property and am hoping that it works on yours and other's properties as well.
Hunting is still our most fun but it happens so quickly. This tree adventure is adding to my property enjoyment very significantly. We can see the original Turning Point from our sunroom and still now, two solid months since the last apple drop we see deer most mornings visiting Turning Point hoping for one more bite.
I like your nursery setup; what size containers are those? Note; being retired I'm all in on growing apples and maybe a container for each is not possible due to the volume of trees I'm growing but for very special seedlings it might apply."
Turning Point