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The trail cameras on his website look like they have competitive prices.
This ^^^is also why others(with the same initials as the words Dog House) from the dark side are not welcome here, by me at least. Be a part of the community, participate, maybe teach us something, you will definitely learn something if you hang around here, and then down the road you may actually move some product to some folks on this site.
You have to understand guys like me are planting crops at certain times of the year to grow our own seed, and manage our plots in a way to reduce/eliminate cost. Just because they are called food plotters doesn't mean you have to be dependent on buying seed.
I saw one of your bags is over $60/acre. To me that's outrageous. I can start a clover plot for a few bucks/acre. Include Spring bin oats for $6/ bushell. Lightly disk the plot come fall and add $2/pd brassicas(a little more for radish) and $8/bushel rye. I'll basically have your $60/ acre oats, rye, clover, brassica plot for less than $10.
I'm a lot smarter than that. I'm also a lot smarter to believe you have a patent pending Egyptian wheat/ sorghum blend. You can try to sell your outrageously priced seed, but you'll have to expect some criticism, at least on this site. Especially from me.
I haven't looked closely at your website, I only glanced those couple things, but don't expect your marketing to be super effective here. Hell-the guy who owns this site also sells cuttings. You might not even know what that is, but he just gave me advice about doing it myself. That's what this site is about, and I also order from him because of it! So seller beware, this is an experienced/ educated bunch.
Dipper, he appears to be a reseller of the frigid forage brand BOB....frigid forage is the one making the claim of patent pending EW/sorghum blend...not necessarily This dude Dave.

But hey Dave, Dip is right on is a seller beware environment and if you are full of BS it will get called out. Plus we all work together on saving each other money versus trying to get each other to spend money. Many of us on here are in businesses and industries that sell products/services to people like other member of the forum and not just from a habitat/food plot perspective. The guys who don't push their wares but instead offer solid advice....often times advice that encourages dollars to flow away from them...they build solid reputations and get more business out of it in the long run...because they have built trust. It also helps to get in on the conversation even if your just saying congrats, looks great, keep up the good work. Oh and it never hurts to ask questions....lots of knowledge assembled here and it would be foolish to ignore it.
Time is money so there is a premium added for the convenience of buying pre-packaged seed. $60 per 1 acre seems to be inline with that market. I personally go the DIY and BOB route with my purchases depending on the plot and I don't fret over it one bit.
Hey mo I had extra fiber for breakfast today so I needed to sit on the throne twice already. I only broke even today with my 1 ply paper trick. Is It cheap that it bothers me? The finger picked up some of the slack, so I feel a little better.
Dipper, he appears to be a reseller of the frigid forage brand BOB....frigid forage is the one making the claim of patent pending EW/sorghum blend...not necessarily This dude Dave.

Why would you market your food plots as "never in the mood" when you're trying for horny bucks? "Easy Sleazy Forage" would be more like it. :D
Why would you market your food plots as "never in the mood" when you're trying for horny bucks? "Easy Sleazy Forage" would be more like it. :D
That's funny right there!
Lol Everyone has an opinion. My dad spends $300 on corn seed to plant not even 2.5 acres. He spends more than $60 per acre fuel. He averaged 266 bushels this year. each to there own....I not forcing any one here to buy anything!
Idk I had 10% off shawnv. Is that still to steep
Are you guys really trying to be ass holes?

If not, it must come naturally.

You call the guy out, he comes back and posts pictures of some 'eyes and answers a few questions.

Yet you continue to bang on him because you don't agree with his pricing? Don't buy it then. Believe it or not, there are people in this world willing to pay for a bag of seed so that all they have to do is drive out to their plot, spread it out, and bingo they have a food plot. Not everyone is willing to 'roll their own' and are happy to find a good product.


This place will never turn into anything if we chase new people away.

We had an incident last weekend, everyone knows what it was about. Less than 1 day later I'm reading posts with the EXACT same kind of behavior.

I'm done.

Either start acting like grown men or get the hell out of here. I'm dead serious. I'm going to start flagging every post I see that isn't acceptable and hope everyone here will do the same.

If you want to test me like you've done in the past (by replying with trite comments just to see what I'll put up with) go ahead. You won't win.

If you would like to discuss it like a human being, call me. 715-861-6103 - My name is John Walton I'm not hiding from anything.

And before I end this lovely message, I'll leave you with this:

I'm not 'buzz posting'. I'll have the exact same stance tomorrow.
The simple rule around here is this: Is whatever you are posting acceptable for my 9 year old to read? If not, don't post it.
If you feel so strongly that I've lost my mind, please don't ever log back into this website. I pay for this place with my own time and money. Nothing to gain, just looking for a place to hang out with great guys (there are a lot of them here).
I realize I broke the simple rule of the site with this post. I'm not sure how else to get my message across. This is the last time you'll see me act this way. It's just the facts from here on out.

Have a nice night.

Lol Everyone has an opinion. My dad spends $300 on corn seed to plant not even 2.5 acres. He spends more than $60 per acre fuel. He averaged 266 bushels this year. each to there own....I not forcing any one here to buy anything!

We can have these discussions up in the food plot section. Lets let this thread find page 2 and keep going behind us.

I'd be curious to see what your dad plants, how he does it, etc. Sounds like a great thread topic.

I'm also glad you proved me right and stuck around. Once you get to know us, we're a lot of fun.
Are you guys really trying to be ass holes?

If not, it must come naturally.

You call the guy out, he comes back and posts pictures of some 'eyes and answers a few questions.

Yet you continue to bang on him because you don't agree with his pricing? Don't buy it then. Believe it or not, there are people in this world willing to pay for a bag of seed so that all they have to do is drive out to their plot, spread it out, and bingo they have a food plot. Not everyone is willing to 'roll their own' and are happy to find a good product.


This place will never turn into anything if we chase new people away.

We had an incident last weekend, everyone knows what it was about. Less than 1 day later I'm reading posts with the EXACT same kind of behavior.

I'm done.

Either start acting like grown men or get the hell out of here. I'm dead serious. I'm going to start flagging every post I see that isn't acceptable and hope everyone here will do the same.

If you want to test me like you've done in the past (by replying with trite comments just to see what I'll put up with) go ahead. You won't win.

If you would like to discuss it like a human being, call me. 715-861-6103 - My name is John Walton I'm not hiding from anything.

And before I end this lovely message, I'll leave you with this:

I'm not 'buzz posting'. I'll have the exact same stance tomorrow.
The simple rule around here is this: Is whatever you are posting acceptable for my 9 year old to read? If not, don't post it.
If you feel so strongly that I've lost my mind, please don't ever log back into this website. I pay for this place with my own time and money. Nothing to gain, just looking for a place to hang out with great guys (there are a lot of them here).
I realize I broke the simple rule of the site with this post. I'm not sure how else to get my message across. This is the last time you'll see me act this way. It's just the facts from here on out.

Have a nice night.


Thanks for setting the rules, John.

There is no question that all of us could be a bit nicer in what we post.

Now I finally find the source of all frustration!

I think John should have a "Time Out" area for all these discipline cases ... will probably be there myself occasionally.

End of the day, anyone who challenges the bar owner needs to be bounced ... and the regulars need to support this. And ... yes ... sometimes a regular needs to be bounced ... owner rules.

No one is irreplaceable ... :cool:

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