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You wont get to know him.... Google his forum name and you will find him on every forum related to hunting with only posts with his link in it.

So long chum..... :)
He did come respond initially. When his current approach fails, he might look at trying a different one.

Not everyone's born with Damon's ability to sell clothes out of their trunk. :D
I think we hurt his feelings.
Yes, but not before he insulted our intelligence.
Didn't take you guys long to turn this clown into a carcass!!! :p
He!!, he could have deleted his initial post and stayed around for a while to contribute, him not knowing the "unspoken rules" here wasn't his fault, I'm sure he gets away with it on the "dark side" and other sites. MoBuck just called him out and he choose to leave instead of apologizing and hanging around for a while. And that's no ones fault but his own.
John is the only one that gets to post his website, and I hope it stays that way for the most part.

Even I'm scared to post my website here :) I think I may have done it 3 or 4 times total???

I like the idea of a 'commercial zone' that anyone can post anything they like in. I've been thinking about that for a while.

I would like to make that area to not show up in the "whats new" we all use here. That way users would only see the posts if they went looking for them. Make any sense?


Yes and great idea if you can pull it off John. Is there any way using the forum software :confused: to point would be "advertisers"(aka anyone who joins up in the future) to that area as soon as they sign up? Like an automatic "welcome post or PM" that states specifically to put all ads in that area? Maybe that is too complicated, but it would prevent an future misunderstandings when someone's first post is an "ad", just a thought.
Sorry guys. I apologize for causing a disturbance on this forum. Anyway someone asked what I've been up to.20150113_173958.jpg 20150111_145217.jpg 20150119_073850.jpg
Then we report those posts and they get removed or moved to the proper location on the forum, just like the spam posts we see everyday. Reporting posts can be done for many reasons, not just because they are spam or someone using "naughty language". What John has to keep in mind is that it may create more work for him or his other site administrators. It would be John's call and if they don't get moved/removed this is the type of thread it would turn into rather quickly, at least I would judge by the way this thread has gone. Good forums don't need 5 moderators like the "dark side" has, they are self policed by the members and as long as they have an attentive staff to take care of reported posts, it can stay that way. Not that hard to deal with, post comes in with an ad in the "wrong" thread, click "Report", reason for reporting = "Advertisement post, please delete", send it to the admin's and they deal with it. Really how many have we had so far? Not too awful many that I can think of? The issue would be with guys having links to their products in their signature lines, that is a bigger issue. How do we deal with that, as it is frowned upon by everyone one on the forum as well, including myself.
I don't disagree with that at all MoBuck;), which is why I underlined it in my post. If he wanted to maintain the forum as it is now(and I think we all see that it is pretty great here, or we wouldn't have the thousands of posts we have) and not let it slide to the level of other forums, it seriously is something he would have to deal with and that could end up costing him both time and money.
We have our buy/sell/trade section. I'd hate to see advertising start. We'd have every TOM, Dick & & Harry pimping products. Become a member, get to know us and us you then if you have a product or service let us know. But this is only my opinion. John this is your baby raise it as you see fit. Were big boys (well most of us) and we'll live with it.
I don't know if it'd be a bad thing. John sells cuttings and other supplies, Mo sells seeds, Brooks might start selling blinds again, I sell muzzle devices, Art sells rain dancing lessons - would it be so bad to openly disclose that info for people who are actually in the market?

As for keeping it out of view, you can make it password protected so you'd need to log into that section to post anything in there. Maybe grant the passwords once someone's been around long enough to prove their not just here for the traffic?
Nice fish. How thick is the ice?
Thanks! Walleye fishing has been good this winter. Catching them out of the spear hole is a blast.....We have about 24"-26" now.
Thanks! Walleye fishing has been good this winter. Catching them out of the spear hole is a blast.....We have about 24"-26" now.
Welcome aboard Dave! This forum is great....lots very good guys here....just don't try to sell them Tons of info here...probably the highest average habitat IQ on the planet. Drop into the "Who Are You" sticky thread in the general discussion are and "introduce" yourself to the crew. FYI there is also a fishing report thread in the successful hunts board...lots guys that chase 'eyes in there.
wow!! such nice people on here ....See ya by.
See we aren't that bad. ^^^^^some good advise from Phil above.
You have to understand guys like me are planting crops at certain times of the year to grow our own seed, and manage our plots in a way to reduce/eliminate cost. Just because they are called food plotters doesn't mean you have to be dependent on buying seed.
I saw one of your bags is over $60/acre. To me that's outrageous. I can start a clover plot for a few bucks/acre. Include Spring bin oats for $6/ bushell. Lightly disk the plot come fall and add $2/pd brassicas(a little more for radish) and $8/bushel rye. I'll basically have your $60/ acre oats, rye, clover, brassica plot for less than $10.
I'm a lot smarter than that. I'm also a lot smarter to believe you have a patent pending Egyptian wheat/ sorghum blend. You can try to sell your outrageously priced seed, but you'll have to expect some criticism, at least on this site. Especially from me.
I haven't looked closely at your website, I only glanced those couple things, but don't expect your marketing to be super effective here. Hell-the guy who owns this site also sells cuttings. You might not even know what that is, but he just gave me advice about doing it myself. That's what this site is about, and I also order from him because of it! So seller beware, this is an experienced/ educated bunch.
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