Neighbor Trouble - Need some advice

Sounds like a complicated situation for sure. Without having first hand experience in your exact situation, from what I read here I might be inclined to try the following:
1. Grab a bottle of bourbon, deer sausage and crackers and stop by their camp. Even though I don’t feel like I’m “in the wrong” (so to speak) I would fall on the sword and apologize for not touching base with them about driving in on the access road. I would also ask for their help in identifying any trespassers or suspicious activity after explaining what mess someone created for you. Ultimately I think I’d try and repair the relationship (and maybe even improve it from what it was) to start.

After reading all of the comments there is some really good advice and a few things to consider. Besides the cost of the bourbon I dont know how you could go wrong with #1 from above.

I'd start with the case of Busch Light approach. You don't have to hang out with them, but an apology and a peace offering clears you. If they were responsible for the vandalism as a childish response to using their road this should end it.

If that doesn't fix it, keep those cameras out, get evidence, and go through the law. And be prepared to be patient.

Hopefully your area isn't like where I grew up. There, the sheriff put right in the paper they didn't care to be annoyed by trespassing calls and would not respond. And they didn't. The one time we had a leaser cross onto our property and threaten me when I was a young teenager the sheriff's office refused to respond but the game warden came out and made them sweat.