Deal of the day

Craigs List add for Ag Lime delivery / trucking in MN and ND. Likely beet lime out of the valley (?) I did not call.....but often I hear folks looking for a source.
I'm pretty sure this is an old lime spreader that was converted to a seeder. Not positive.....but if I needed a lime spreader and lived nearby.....I'd check it out. Anyone confirm this? Tooln?
I recently bought a nice 5' King Kutter bush hog for $265.00, found thru CL. All it needed was a few cracked welds fixed and a little paint.

(Maybe this should've been in "large equipment") Mods - plz move...
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I'm pretty sure this is an old lime spreader that was converted to a seeder. Not positive.....but if I needed a lime spreader and lived nearby.....I'd check it out. Anyone confirm this? Tooln?

I am going to go check this out tomorrow. By phone the guy said it should still work for lime or fertilizer. Maybe need some modifications again. Seems like a decent price.
I am going to go check this out tomorrow. By phone the guy said it should still work for lime or fertilizer. Maybe need some modifications again. Seems like a decent price.
I'm sure it would work fine for either. Looks like it's been sitting for a while. I'd start by putting 2 $100.00 bills in his hand and see if he'll take that. $100.00 bills cash do something to guys looking to sell.
I am going to go check this out tomorrow. By phone the guy said it should still work for lime or fertilizer. Maybe need some modifications again. Seems like a decent price.
I did a 'wanted to buy' lime spreader ad on craigslist for $300 and got a response 2 days later. Some of those older farmers can read the ads but don't take the time to post things, especially if the barn and yard is full of stuff.
Ended up not being able to make it to check out the spreader so I told the guy not to wait on me. Not a huge need for it, but I may have to check on it again if I have time in a few weeks.
Ended up not being able to make it to check out the spreader so I told the guy not to wait on me. Not a huge need for it, but I may have to check on it again if I have time in a few weeks.

After spreading two pallet-loads of bagged lime.....I decided to buy a drop spreader. Was likely one of my better decisions. I actually bought two EZ Flow drop spreaders as a result of my WTB ad on Craigs List. I sold the better one.....and converted the other one from a ten footer to a sixer. Have used it to spread about 30 tons of lime.....and I grow good plots as a result. Areas that have not been limed don't grow 1/4 the groceries of the areas that have had lime added.
After spreading two pallet-loads of bagged lime.....I decided to buy a drop spreader. Was likely one of my better decisions. I actually bought two EZ Flow drop spreaders as a result of my WTB ad on Craigs List. I sold the better one.....and converted the other one from a ten footer to a sixer. Have used it to spread about 30 tons of lime.....and I grow good plots as a result. Areas that have not been limed don't grow 1/4 the groceries of the areas that have had lime added.

My dad and brother have a lot of toys that I can borrow and my brother pretty much talked me out of it. I know the plots definitely need lime. PH is usually low 5s for us, but we haven't done any tests recently. A lot of the large ag fields are now close to 7. We get ash from the mills in Duluth for the ag fields and my brother drives truck for a guy that hauls lime as well so we get large amounts at a time. We have large spreaders that can work for the big plots and otherwise I can use the skid steer bucket (big homemade bucket) to drive in, dump, and spread for the small plots. Also have a 3 pt spreader if I end up getting pelletized lime for small plots if we don't have ag lime around at the time.
^ Sounds like you about got it covered WB. WTG! :)

Lime is one of the most difficult products to work with. If I owned low PH land and did not have the means to spread ag-lime.....that might be the first issue I would (and did) tackle. Or....find a co-op that will do the work for you, or do pell lime etc. But that low PH ground is tough to work with IME.

When a person sees a drop spreader at an affordable hate to let it pass by.
So how do those spring tooth harrows work? Are they attach via chain as a drag behind? Do they need weight attached? Do they tear up the ground ok? How about on ground with some rocks and roots? I've got a chance to get one in the $150 range
Here's a pic of how I attached them. I pull 2 section behind the ATV. No weights are needed. They do a fairly good job a digging into the ground as long as it's not sod. If you hit a root just right it will stop you in your tracks. It works great for bringing up smaller roots & rocks. This is the reason I use it as I also have a disk. The disk goes over roots and rock's but the spring tooth brings them up so I can get rid of them.
I guess this established the low-cost end of the tractor market. ;)
I guess this established the low-cost end of the tractor market. ;)
To bad it didn't have front wheel assist.

As long as they are not hard as a rock.

No worries.....just run it through your pulverizer. ;) (grin)
While they arent anything fancy, they are functional and seem to last a few years. Menards is having a 3 day weekend sale on their 15' ladder stands. Limit of 3. $55 each with a $25 rebate per stand making your final cost $30 if you normally shop at Menards.