two things i would suggest, updating to 8.3 , this will help eliminate RF interference from other radio frequency devices and also CLINK networks within a couple miles of yours. pick a random channel when doing so like 10-25 , 5-18 etc. Secondly, adding external power to each camera other than the K . You will save money running external in the long run. no matter if its solar or battery booster. when running battery booster the batteries being in sequence allow them to run down farther before they are to low to operate the camera. I tell everyone if you just run 4 ds dont expect more than 45 days and often times less depending on other factors. a 6 d booster will bring you to 150-250 days and solar can be year or more easily. I honesty wouldn't even run Cuddelink on jsut internals it defeats the purpose of the network. The cameras are in constant communication so they need more power than a stand alone. also try to centralize your home unit so you get yoru link count down, dont run them in a line if you dont have to , that appears to be what you are doing