Cuddelink 2020 GEN 2 version

So I updated 2-j’s 2-g’s and the K to 8.0
I have a DB on all except one J I have the 6d pack on
Only 1 G camera shows external BP all other just say battery ok. Can someone tell me what is going on
I don't have any Gs, so I don't know how much help I can be. How many batteries in the Gs and do the Js have 12 AAs or 6 Ds? When you say DB do you mean Dual Power Bank or the 3358 power booster? This info may help to determine what's going on. I would suggest if you use Facebook to join the Cuddeback users of America group. I have found quite a bit of info there. There are several sales reps including John there that can explain.
There are 6 batteries in G’s my J’s have 4 D’s
He’s dual battery bank and one camera has the 3358
I’m not on FB
There are 6 batteries in G’s my J’s have 4 D’s
He’s dual battery bank and one camera has the 3358
I’m not on FB
What did you put for Battery Type 4D, 6D or 12AA on each camera. I feel this is probably the cause. I did this same thing. Did not realize I needed to change. It was new and it defaults to the 4D. I would definitely think about the Facebook users group, you can just not friend anyone if you are worried about the bs on FB and there is a lot. Can you post your report?
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I have them on 6d, but that doesn’t still explain why 1 of my G cams and K cam doesn’t show external battery
Ok figured out problem with the 1 G cam I forgot to plug in battery pack duh
Ok figured out problem with the 1 G cam I forgot to plug in battery pack duh
Well that’ll do it. What is on the K the DPB or the 3358. If it’s the 3358 it won’t list as Ext ok only the DPB because of some circuitry.
I have read a few times about setting the battery type. Is this something new? I didn't do that on any of my updated cameras as I was not aware it was something you set. Is there going to be a manual for gen2 that has these new settings? Any help on what that does and if its needed would be great. I have one camera that has not worked since the update and want to be prepared for anything when I go back to check it.
Well that’ll do it. What is on the K the DPB or the 3358. If it’s the 3358 it won’t list as Ext ok only the DPB because of some circuitry.
I was told now that if you have batteries in K and have a duel battery pack it will only show ok because both units have 6 d’s in each bank. You would think there would be away to monitor each bank but I guess you can only do that if you don’t put batteries in K unit
I thought there was a case with the DPB that it would show Ext 1 ok, Ext ok and ok. Maybe it head something to do with solar.
I thought there was a case with the DPB that it would show Ext 1 ok, Ext ok and ok. Maybe it head something to do with solar.
Yes it will show up on a J or G cam but not K as what I was told
That is what it does on mine.
Well that is dumb
With all the technology you would think they could tell which bank of batteries it was running on
when using a DPB, make sure you take batteries out of your camera and let all power run out(can take minutes) before plugging a DPB in.If you dont it doesnt know you plugged in the battery pack. Also it can take some time for it to show up on you report so wait at least a day before getting concerned. You really dont need internal batteries in your K when running a DPB, it will run for up to a year with the two banks full.
when using a DPB, make sure you take batteries out of your camera and let all power run out(can take minutes) before plugging a DPB in.If you dont it doesnt know you plugged in the battery pack. Also it can take some time for it to show up on you report so wait at least a day before getting concerned. You really dont need internal batteries in your K when running a DPB, it will run for up to a year with the two banks full.
I took the batteries out before plugging the DBP in, nothing has changed in 20 days. I know I don’t need internals in my K but what happens when a bear comes along and rips the cable off which has happened then I have nothing and all my cams are 4hrs away.
I was told by other people the reason it doesn’t recognize the dbp is because they are all on 6 d cell and the voltage is the same. I really feel this is one thing that needs addressed from cuddeback to know what batteries your on
I have a question on the DBP. I am still running version 7.7.0 because I haven't been back to my farm to update since 8.0 was released. On my report my one camera had been showing ext-1 low for about a week. I thought it would then go to ext-2 but today I saw the camera just disappeared from my report. Both sides of the DBP have rayovac alkaline batteries. The camera in question is a J-3. Should it have gone to ext-2 or will that only happen in version 8.0.
I am using several DPB with FW 8.0 and a J4 will show external 1 & 2 even with batteries internal. I have not tested with internals in the K but with no internals it has showed ext 1 ok and ext 2 okay. Through several tests I've only seen them report ext 1 low one time prior to switching to bank 2. I'm having other issues with them that I won't comment on yet because I have been working with Dan for a couple days troubleshooting and don't want to provide incorrect info but I'll say so far having 4 dual power banks in testing that they a finikie.
I have a question on the DBP. I am still running version 7.7.0 because I haven't been back to my farm to update since 8.0 was released. On my report my one camera had been showing ext-1 low for about a week. I thought it would then go to ext-2 but today I saw the camera just disappeared from my report. Both sides of the DBP have rayovac alkaline batteries. The camera in question is a J-3. Should it have gone to ext-2 or will that only happen in version 8.0.

I believe ext-1 low will persist until it is near dead (not sure what that is with 9v but seems it was about 4.4v on four Ds--6v) and then should switch to ext-2 OK. I have a DBP on a G series that hasn't made the switch yet. Not sure but I thought John said in an earlier post that you need 7.9, or later with the J-series or you would have battery problems (seems like it was battery drain with night pictures).

I removed my internals (and pushed buttons till the screen went blank) and hooked up the DBP loaded with alkalines in both banks (no sun for solar) to make sure they were recognized. I then loaded in the internal bank with alkalines for backup. I've heard it won't switch to internals after ext-2 dies (very disappointing) but only provides backup if the cable is pulled or chewed by a critter. I hope this isn't a 6v-9v thing that prevents the firmware from a future update that will recognize there is still an internal source available after ext-2 dies. Not sure when or how the 3600 solar panel rechargables fall in the sequence. Ideally, the system would switch from the solar charged 9v ext-1 to ext-2 and then back to a by-then re-charged ext-1, followed by switching to the 6v internal until it dies and then back again to the by-then recharged ext-1. Perhaps the solar panel rechargables make this logic a bridge too far (seems to me the firmware could be made to search for any available source of power, IMHO).
I believe ext-1 low will persist until it is near dead (not sure what that is with 9v but seems it was about 4.4v on four Ds--6v) and then should switch to ext-2 OK. I have a DBP on a G series that hasn't made the switch yet. Not sure but I thought John said in an earlier post that you need 7.9, or later with the J-series or you would have battery problems (seems like it was battery drain with night pictures).

I removed my internals (and pushed buttons till the screen went blank) and hooked up the DBP loaded with alkalines in both banks (no sun for solar) to make sure they were recognized. I then loaded in the internal bank with alkalines for backup. I've heard it won't switch to internals after ext-2 dies (very disappointing) but only provides backup if the cable is pulled or chewed by a critter. I hope this isn't a 6v-9v thing that prevents the firmware from a future update that will recognize there is still an internal source available after ext-2 dies. Not sure when or how the 3600 solar panel rechargables fall in the sequence. Ideally, the system would switch from the solar charged 9v ext-1 to ext-2 and then back to a by-then re-charged ext-1, followed by switching to the 6v internal until it dies and then back again to the by-then recharged ext-1. Perhaps the solar panel rechargables make this logic a bridge too far (seems to me the firmware could be made to search for any available source of power, IMHO).
I believe ext-1 low will persist until it is near dead (not sure what that is with 9v but seems it was about 4.4v on four Ds--6v) and then should switch to ext-2 OK. I have a DBP on a G series that hasn't made the switch yet. Not sure but I thought John said in an earlier post that you need 7.9, or later with the J-series or you would have battery problems (seems like it was battery drain with night pictures).

I removed my internals (and pushed buttons till the screen went blank) and hooked up the DBP loaded with alkalines in both banks (no sun for solar) to make sure they were recognized. I then loaded in the internal bank with alkalines for backup. I've heard it won't switch to internals after ext-2 dies (very disappointing) but only provides backup if the cable is pulled or chewed by a critter. I hope this isn't a 6v-9v thing that prevents the firmware from a future update that will recognize there is still an internal source available after ext-2 dies. Not sure when or how the 3600 solar panel rechargables fall in the sequence. Ideally, the system would switch from the solar charged 9v ext-1 to ext-2 and then back to a by-then re-charged ext-1, followed by switching to the 6v internal until it dies and then back again to the by-then recharged ext-1. Perhaps the solar panel rechargables make this logic a bridge too far (seems to me the firmware could be made to search for any available source of power, IMHO).

I would be deeply disappointed and likely be looking to sell off my dual power banks if they will not switch to internals after banks 1&2 are depleted. It specifically stated in the instructions that alkalines can be added internally to the camera for an additional 4 months of use. Swapping out 12 external batteries for a $50 price tag is no different than me running 6 internal and a #3358 external for $10 other than a solar option with the dual power banks. The instructions do recommend leaving internals out except for backup in the event of animal damage but it certainly doesn't state that the internal bank of batteries will be obsolete of the dual power bank is connected. If that's the case I won't be happy. Perhaps someone can verify? I've been testing these things for 10 days on my deck railing trying to get them to perform as the instructions suggest.